Three: Mark My Words

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Mark My Words

*Edited 10/26/23*


I entered the throne room, where mother, father, and Cleo's mother waited for an answer. The guards opened the doors I walked closer to them. I deeply want her to leave, I don't want her to get hurt. I know she will.

"Has she made a decision?" Asked father as he rose from his throne.

"Is she staying?" Said my mother, Catherine.

"Yes, she has decided to stay. I want to let you know, I have made my decision." I asked as I turned to him. He knows who I have chosen.

"I want you to choose wise my son, I am still giving you till the snow sticks to the ground. By then you will announce who you have chosen to be your Queen." He said.I looked at him and nodded in agreement.

I nodded to all three, stepping away from them. Walking to my chambers waited someone for me. She will be the next Queen of not only her own country but England and France.


It was early in the morning. She was gone before I had woken up. I let out a sigh as I got up to get dressed. After getting dressed, I made my way to the tower. My private room, a place I like to make swords.

"Francis?" I looked up not realizing that Mary was standing there.

"What, you can't be here." I said.

"I'm sorry I was just exploring. You know this use to be my room, where we would play."

"It was, but now it isn't."

"I'm sorry Francis." She said saying it sincere.

"No, it's alright. It's just the only place I can be by myself." I said looking down.

We stood there in silence for a minute or two.

"Francis, do you want to go out and play a game?"

"I would love too, but I already promised Cleo I would take her out. Maybe later?" I asked

"No, that's okay." She said." Well, I better get going."

As both Mary and Cleo have been here for a week now, I've spent most of my time with Mary, it's time that I go with Cleo. I really didn't have plans for today but I'll think of something.


"Yes, your majesty?"

"Please send one of the servants to put a blanket laid out by the pond, tell them to put fruit into a basket and to put a bottle of red wine." A nice picnic by the pond, under the tree out on a beautiful sunny day. I left to go find Cleo.

Knock. Knock.

"Yes, come in!" I hear from the other door.

"Hi Cleo!"

"Oh, hello Francis!" She said smiling as she brushed her hair.

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