Eleven: Adore You

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Adore You


"JUST GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!!" I said as I could feel more and more pain as I pushed.

"Just breath. In and out." Said Francis as he held my left hand.


"Push!" Said Catherine as she held my right hand.

I didn't think giving birth would be this hard but it sure hurts like a lot. I couldn't stand the pain and all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Come on, the baby is almost out, push!" Said the doctor.

"Push Cleo!!" Said Catherine and Francis at the same time.

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed as I pushed.

I could hear a little cry. It was my baby. I saw Francis grabbing and holding the baby. As he walked to me, I started to feel really dizzy, making me see the room spin. I could feel my eyes open and close.

"Francis..." I said quietly."Something's w-wrong." Then everything went black.



"Francis...." She said quietly but just enough to hear her. I handed the baby to my mother.

"It's a boy!" She said.

"Francis something's w-wrong." Said Cleo then her head went back as her eyes closed.

"Cleo! Cleo! No, no! My love wake up!" I screamed as I grabbed her face with my two hands tapping it. "Help her!"

The doctor came over to her, she started to to bleed out from her under area. A lot.

"She's running a fever. Go get me some warm cloths." He said to a servant.

After he order all of us to leave the room. He came out after 15 minutes.

"I got her bleeding to stop but she still have a fever. I gave her some medicine." He said as he opened the door.

My mother was still carrying the baby as he slept.

"When will she wake?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but I will check on her everyday. She didn't lose a lot of blood but her fever is still high." He said looking at me. "She'll being out King Francis."

"Can I go to her?"

"Yes." He moved so I could walk to her side.

"Mother, can I be alone with her?"

"Of course." They all left the room.

"Please, wake up my love! Come back to me. I need you more than ever. I can't lose you. I love you so much it hurts!" I started to cry laying my head down, hoping that when I rode my head she would be awake. "You look so beautiful when you sleep."

She didn't move or wake up. Her chest was going up and down. I wanted her to wake up, I wanted her to wake up so I could tell her how much I love her, but she didn't.


"Mother it's been three days and she still isn't awake." I said as I moved back and forth with the baby in my arms. 

"She'll wake soon. Do you know what you want to name the baby?" My mother asked as she tried to get my mind off of Cleo.

"She said if it was a boy, she wanted to name him after her father, Matthew."

"Than Matthew it is." Said my mother as she smiled at me.

"Can you take him to his nursery, I want to talk to her again." I asked as I gave her the baby.

She nodded and walked out the room. I went and sat next to Cleo as she slept. I only rested my head. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to lay by her.

I must've fallen asleep because a little voice woke me up.

"Francis.... Francis....." she said flickering her eyes open.

"Cleo, shhh don't talk. It's okay I'm here."

"The- the baby." She said quietly.

"I'll go get him."


I smiled as I left the room to go get Matthew. My mother was in the nursery watching him sleep. I grabbed Matthew heading back to Cleo and I's room.

I walked in seeing her siting up a bit with pillows to help her. I looked at how beautiful she was, I walked towards her to hand her the baby.

"Here." I said as she reached her hands out.

"My god, he's so beautiful!" She let out a little giggle as a tear rolled down her face.

"My god, he's so beautiful!" She let out a little giggle as a tear rolled down her face

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"What did you name him?" She asked me.

"Matthew, just like your father." I said smiling.

"Oh my sweet Matthew how grandpa would love to see you now."

She laid with him for a bit. As she was feeling tired. They both fell asleep together. I laid on the other side of the bed watching them sleep. It was amazing. How beautiful people can make you so happy!

No matter what John says, I'm never going to let them go! They are my family and I'd rather die that seeing them hurt.


Well she had the baby!!! Any guess of what happens???

Thanks for 100 reads!💓


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