Thirteen: Paris

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Paris. One of the many places Francis and I love to go to! It's our wedding anniversary, two years today, I married the King, who I wanted to hate but came to love.

"Ready?" He said as he came up beside as I put my cloak on. "The carriage is ready for the journey to Paris."

"Yes, lets go."

We said our goodbyes to Catherine and Matthew. He had just turned two and what much bigger. His hair dark as mine.


The ride to Paris was a bit bumpy but we made it in one piece.

"Give me your hand." He said as he stood out the carriage.

We held hands as we made our way through the town we were staying while in Paris. We rented out a cottage for a week.

"Here you go, 100 gold piece for the week." Said Francis while handing a man a bag of money.

"Come one, let go see where we will be staying for the next week." He pulled my hand with him as we made our way inside.

"It's beautiful, Francis!" I said as I kissed his lips.

"Not as beautiful as you!" He said as he pulled away.

"So what shall we do today?"

"Hmm, since we are staying in Paris, getting away from others, why don't we go riding for a bit, then have dinner, and maybe I don't know, we can't think of something when we come back?." He said with a smirk.

"Sound like a plan."

We were getting the horse, he chose a black stallion while I chose a white one.

We went riding for hours, till we came upon a lake.

"Shall we go for a swim?"

"Francis, it's getting cold out." I said laughing.

"Oh, come one nothing's going to happen." He said as he walked towards me and the horse.

"Fine." I said as he helped me get down.

We took our clothes off.

"Ready?" He said as he reached out for my hand.

"Ready." I said as we jumped.

The cold water hit me like a thousand knives. It was freezing. But it felt nice.

"It's so cold!" I said as I let a shiver out.

"Come here." He said as I swam towards him.

"Francis, you look so handsome with your clothes not not." I said as I looked at his body.

"You're not so bad yourself." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

We stood there in silence for a minute or two.

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