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Yuuri felt his throat tighten, his legs got shaky. Did he just hear his name? No, its his first time. It couldn't be his name. But the soft sobs coming from those around him told him differently. Yuuri looked behind himself to see his mother. Her eyes are puffy and her glasses slide down her nose as she was clutching onto my father's shirt.

"M-mom?" His voice was dry and raspy.

"Yuuri," Yuuri looked towards his father, "You have to go up on stage and shake hands with your opponent." His voice was cold and he refused to make eye contact with me. But Yuuri could hear a wavering in his speech and he saw tears prick at the edges of his eyes.

Yuuri nodded his head. He'd have to put on a brave face for his family, even though he know he won't survive more than two minuets, he haves to let them think that he'll be all right.

Yuuri slowly makes his way through the crowd up to the stage. He hear whispers all around him.

"That's him?"

"He's just a boy."

"This ought to be his first year."

"He's from the Katsuki family. The own the hot springs that powers the street lights."

"Don't look at him, it'll just make his death harder on us."

"Yuuri!" Yuuri hears his childhood friend Yuuko call out. He looks towards her. She has tears running down her face as she runs to him and gives him a hug.

"Yuuko!" Takeshi calls her name desperatly.

Yuuko slowly lets go of Yuuri when she heard Takeshi's voice, "You have to win Yuuri! Promise me that you'll make it back to us alive! Promise me!" She grabs Yuuri's shoulders and starts shaking him. Takeshi grabs her and gently leads her away from the dazed boy.

"Good luck, Yuuri," he turns to face Yuuri for a moment. And Yuuri can see tears in his eyes as well. Yuuri has to hold back a sob. I'm going to die.

Yuuri starts his way back up to the stage again, where he mets the other kid who was called from district five.

"Shake hands you two!" Hisashi tells the two boys with a joyful smile.

Yuuri put his hand out towards the boy in front of him. He looks at Yuuri with a big smile. His black bangs sway as he tilts his head at Yuuri and takes his pale hand in his tanned one and shakes it enthusiastically.

"I'm Phichit!" He exclaimed happily. How can he be so haply about this? He doesn't know. He looked around Yuuri's age, 14.

"W-well, um, my name's Yuuri," Yuuri is so scared and nervous he can barely manage a sentence.

"Nice to meet you!" Phichit exclaimed. He was still shaking Yuuri's hand up and down with a very large smile on his face.

"Alright boys, I think its time I introduced myself," a voice behind the two spoke.

Yuuri turned around to find himself staring at a man with green eyes, and brown hair tied back to a ponytail. His face was angular and square like complete with a buttchin.

"I'm  Celestino Cialdini. I'm your coach," he smiled at the two boys with a calm attitude.

Why is everyone so calm and happy!? We are going to die!

"Cestycocoa is too hard to remember, can I call you Ciao Ciao!?" Phichit stood directly in 'Ciao Ciao's' face with a large smile.


"Great!" Phichit cheered.

Yuuri looked back at the crowd to see it had disbanded. He felt tears prick at his eyes.

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