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"Viktor dear," Viktor looked up from his book to see his mother calling him over from the other side of the room. Viktor politely made his way around the other guests as he went to stand beside his mother.

"Yes?" He questioned, making sure to keep his voice strong and innocent at the same time. Just like how his mother instructed.

"You ought to be on your train shouldn't you?" His mother questioned without looking at him. She swirled the wine in her glass and turned her powdered face to him to raised an eyebrow.

Viktor wanted to point out that she was the one who insisted his coach stayed for the viewing party but he knew that would only get him in trouble.

"Yes ma'am," Viktor bowed his head at his mother before taking off to find the other victor from district one. He found him by the wall eyeballing his mother's expensive Tiger painting. Viktor grabbed him by the arm.

"Hey," Yuri growled. He yanked his arm out of Viktor's grasp.

"Sorry Yuri, but its time we went," Viktor smiled at the other tribute. Yuri just growled.

"Don't talk to me," Yuri grumbled. He turned on his heel and stormed over to where Yakov was with Viktor following quietly from behind.

"Are you two ready to go?" Yakov asked. He wasn't making eye contact with either of the two tributes. Viktor bowed his head politely.

"Yes sir."

He looked over at Yuri who had his arms crossed and wasn't looking at either of them. Viktor grabbed the top of Yuri's head and made him dip his head to Yakov too.

"You want to win? You need Yakov to like you," he hissed in Yuri's ear. Yuri just sighed. The two of them followed Yakov out of the door and to the train station. Once Viktor was a distance away from his house he let his posture drop. His fingers were all swelled and knotted from the insane amount of work he had yesterday.

Viktor let out a content sigh. At least he didn't have to make his mom anymore jewelry.


Viktor wandered aimlessly from station to station. His plan was to spend this time learning skills he lacked. Then when the private session came on, he'd get a moderate score. So he didn't draw attention to himself.

He found himself at the shelter building station. Where a small group had gathered. But they weren't doing anything. They were watching someone. Viktor made his way to the front and saw why. Somehow, with only a few planks of wood, sticks, and leaves. A boy had made a low hanging shelter that would have been camouflaged into the scenery of a forest floor.

The boy turned around and when he saw the crowd he freaked out. His blue rimmed glasses slid down his nose and his hair was sticking up in places. The crowd straggled away until Viktor was the only one left. The boy was sitting cross legged looking at his lap while his hands were in his black hair. Viktor squatted down to his eyelevel and looked directly at him.

The boy still didn't notice he was there. So with a huff of annoyance Viktor reached out his hand and lifted his chin.

The boy flinched physically at Viktor's touch. Viktor retreated his hand and smiled at him.

"I was hoping you could help me?" Viktor had his kind, polite smile he had on whenever he met his Mother or Father's friends.

"W-well you see, I, well, aren't we... Enemies?" The boy stuttered adjusting his glasses more than once.

Viktor chuckled. The boy looked up, horrified.

"No, no. It's fine. You're right," Viktor smiled, this time it was a real smile. This kid just had that kind of attitude that made you want to smile. Viktor stood up to go.

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