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Yuuri let out a nervous gulp as he looked around the arena. He was currently standing on a flat, hovering, circular slap of technology. Surrounding him, and stretching as far as they eye could see was desert sand.

Yuuri shakily looked to his right, there he saw a man who looked a little bit older than he was. He had a black undercut, that was similar to another tribute's haircut. He was standing straight with a proud smirk on his face. He caught Yuuri looking at him and sent him a wink.

"I'm gonna win this thing, JJ STYLE!" The man laughed and made two fingerguns with his hands.

Yuuri looked away from the man and turned towards his left.

There he saw a small boy who strangely reminded him of a mouse. He was timidly looking around the cornucopia for someone, it seemed. He had short brown hair and freckles dottig his pale skin.

Yuuri immediately felt pity for the kid. That was until, Yuuri realized that he stood as much of a chance of surviving as the mouse boy did.

Yuuri took a big gulp as he watched the countdown continue to descend slowly. Across the arena he saw Phichit looking a guy with onyx black hair and pale skin.

Yuuri looked back at the clock right as it reached zero. He let out a gasp as the platform dropped down at an alarming speed and a manly squeal escaped his mouth.

And just like that, everyone sprinted in their own directions while Yuuri was rooted to his place, unable to move.

He watched Phichit run in his direction only to be stopped by the boy he was looking at. Phichit gave a desperate look at Yuuri. As if begging Yuuri to understand.

All Yuuri could do was nod and watch as Phichit and the other person fled Northeast. Yuuri was so caught up in watching his friend and wishing him the best of luck that he was too late to notice the man who was on his right standing in front of him with an ax.

"Hi," he grinned before hefting his ax over his shoulder, ready to swing.

Yuuri stumbled backwards and fell on his butt, trying to scoot away. He squeezed his eyes shut and braced for the worst.

He didn't expect a shadow to envolpe him, he didn't expect the metallic thud that soon came after. He didn't expect to see liquid drops fall into the sand right in front of the figure who had gotten in the way.

Yuuri looked in shock at Viktor, who had jumped in the way and hefted up a shield to absorb the impact of the man's ax. Beads of sweat rolled down Viktor's face.

The man just grinned. Before he turned around and headed to the East. He didn't bother to try and take his ax out of Viktor's shield. He just left.

Yuuri stood up and immediately went to Viktor. Who had collapsed in the sand.

"Are you okay!?" Yuuri voice came out as a squeak as he tapped Viktor's shoulder.

"No," Viktor exhaled a shaky breath before wiping the sweat off his forehead and turning to Yuuri. He let out a small smile.

"But I'll be okay."

Yuuri just nodded and helped Viktor to his feet. The two decided to go Southwest to avoid the man, apparently named JJ, and hopefully find some sort of shelter.


Yuuri doesn't know exactly how long they've been walking. All he knew was that the Hunger Games started around dawn, and the sun was just beginning to dip behind the rocky mountains in the far away distance.

Or, he thought, was a far away distance. He soon realized that there were in fact, no Rocky moutians, but instead trees. And he knew by running face first into one.

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