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Hey guys! Here it is! I know you've been waiting for this story, well here it is! I hope you enjoyed it! I worked very hard on this story! I 💖 you all and thank you so much for your support!



Be optimistic, Laura! Oh, hi! I'm Laura Marano and I'm nineteen, i'm in highschool with my sister, Vanessa. We're secretly strippers but nobody knows that.

So i'm wearing gray jeggings, a plain yellow shirt and some yellow converse. Vanessa and I are pretending to be ' nerds ' here in our school.

I enter Marino High with my sister. Those Lunch, no wait, Leench, no, Lonch, uh probably one of those names, kids keep staring at us, Vanessa said they've been stalking us. Hmph, not believing her.

I go to my locker and this blonde kid beside me keeps staring at me. Ugh,

" Excuse me, do you need anything? " I ask him annoyed. I don't appreciate being stared at. He shakes his head and opens his locker not looking at me anymore. I grab my English books and walk to class... Blondie follows me.

I run to my English class and sit on my chair. Blondie sits beside me. He's really a stalker. Vanessa's right.

" Who are you? " I ask him in annoyance. He sighs, " I'm Ross Lynch. " He finally said, annoyed of course. I smiled fakely, " Gee thanks. " i mumble.

" Laura. " I hear Vanessa call me. I look outside. Vanessa is older than me for three years, so we don't have the same classes together. I walk outside the classroom.

" Yup? "

" Later, we exit the school at four. " She says looking around if anybody was listening to us. I looked at Ross and he was staring at me. I quickly looked back at Vanessa.

" Why so early? " I ask tiredly. Being a stripper is hard. But growing up without any parents is harder.

" Mr. Adams said so. " She said. Mr. Adams is our boss, he forces us to quit our job because we have dreams ahead of us. But what if we dont find another job? That's why we aren't resigning at all.

" Okay. " I say sighing. I don't want to do this. I'm only eighteen and i'm already showing my ass to old hungry people.

" It's okay, Laura. Our shift ends at nine. " She said. I smile, " YAY! " I whisper-shout. She motions me to go back in class and I do.

I sit back down on my seat. Ross eyes me. I shake my head and ignore him.


It's already four. I'm skipping history class again today. I sigh and run outside the school with Vanessa. I hear voices from behind a bush but i ignored that and ran away.

I reached the strip club, i went inside and saw old hungry men with those innocent girls having a lap dance. Argh.

I walk backstage and change into my clothes. I'm wearing a black bra with a thong, then long black stockings. Vanessa is wearing a purple bra, a thong and long purple stockings.

We went out and started pole dancing. Men were inserting money into our bra's... fuck this.

I look at Vanessa, practically asking for help. She looked at me and told me to relax.

Marano Strippers | Raura Rinessa RydellingtonWhere stories live. Discover now