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" He's planning to ge- " Rydel got cut off by Riker again. Ugh. Riker eyed Rydel and she glared at him.

" Riker, i need to tell her. Come o- " Riker pushed Rydel outside our classroom. He smiled nervously at me.

" Ignore her, my sister is a biatch sometimes. " He says smiling weirdly. I nod and sit down on my chair.

Riker sat beside me. Wow, can't he get anymore conceited? He scootched his chair closer to mine.

" Wassup, baby girl? " He says flirting with me. I shake my head. " Please leave me alone. I don't want you going near me. " I say grossed out.

He mumbled something under his breath i didn't quite hear. But i'm sure i WILL get rid of him.


Ugh, I hate you, ROSS SHOR LYNCH! He's freaking flirting with me right now!

" Laura, i just really think you're beautiful. Just give me a chance and go out with me. " He says pleadingly. Ugh.

" Ross, please stop it. I don't want to go out with yo- " I got cut off by the popular girl, Courtney Eaton, argh. She is so freakin' bratty it hurts.

" Oh Laura, you need glasses. " She says in an ' oops ' tone. " I don't have a blurry vision. " I say in an ' obviously ' tone. She huffs and flips her hair.

" You WILL need glasses 'cuz i will punch your eyes until you're blind! " She shouted. Her posse laughs with her. Wow.

" I wouldn't need glasses if i were blind, i wouldn't see either way. " I say, i mean like, isn't it obvious? She gasps.

" How dare you talk to me that way?! " She gasps again in a very high tone. Ugh, that hurt my ears. I looked at Ross and he was blankly staring at us.

" If i need glasses, you need education, honey. " I say, flipping my hair. She gasped, " Watch out, nerd. " She says and walks away with her posse. I looked at Ross angrily.

" What? " He says clueless, " If you really liked me, you would've defended me. Now i see that you're really just playing around. " I say walking away, leaving that blonde boy speechless.


I didn't mean anything like that. Shit! I really want this plan to work! Wait, maybe if Riker and I follow them when they leave school!


It's four thirty. Laura and Vanessa leaves at this hour. Ooh! There they are! I signal Riker to follow me. I followed the two of them until...

" HEY! "

Laura and Vanessa quickly ran away.

Riker and I turned around. Ugh, fuck you, Rydel.

" What were you two doing?! Were you following them!? " Rydel shouted at us. I looked down, Riker answered her bravely.

" Yeah, we did. " Riker says. Rydel groans, " I'm telling mom! How dare you do this to them!? " Rydel asked disappointed. We both looked down.

" Do you know what you're doing!? Do you want me to tell Mom and dad that you two are cutting classes as well?! " Rydel shouted very loud at us. " DONT TELL THEM! " Riker and I shouted in terror.

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