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I walk inside the cafeteria. My stomach making the sound of a whale's mating call. I look for Vanessa and see her sitting with Rydel. Huh? That's weird.

" Vanessa? " I call. She turns and smiles at me. I walk over to her and sit beside her. She just smiled, " Rydel wants to sit with us. Is that okay? " She asked. I nodded.

" Laura? I'm so sorry for what my brothers did to you and Vanessa. I promise, they won't do it again. " Rydel explained. I just nodded. No, I'm not angry at Rydel. I just hope that she stays away from me. The only person I want to be with is Vanessa. I don't like these people, except Rydel. Rydel makes Vanessa happy so I should accept her whether I like it or not.

I see Ross and Riker come up to us, " Hey can we sit here? " Oh my fucking God. NO! Vanessa smiles and nods slightly. Omfg, what the fuck Vanessa!? Why did she let them sit here?

" Thanks. " Ross mumbled and sat beside me, I stood up immediately and walked to the bathroom. Yeah, Fuck the cafeteria. I'm eating here.


" What was that? " Riker asked beside me, I shrugged. Okay, I know what you're thinking. " Why'd ya let them sit with you!? " Well, Rydel and I talked and she convinced me to give the boys a chance. Which is what I'm doing right now.

" Is Laura still upset with me? I said sorry. " Ross mumbled. I shook my head and smiled, " No, I don't think she's still mad at you. She probably just needs some time by herself. " Ross nods at me and continue to eat his lunch.

" Yow, bro. " I hear someone say.

I turn to see Ellington. Wait, what? Ellington is in my class. I didn't know he knew Rydel, Ross and Riker.

" Hey Nessa. " Ell says, I smile. He walks to Rydel and kisses her, what!? " You guys are together? " I asked. They both nodded their heads, how come they never told me?

" You never knew? " Rydel asked, I shook my head. What? Nobody ever told me they were together. Rydel or Ell never even mentioned it. The bell rang and all students stood up and exit the cafeteria. I wonder where Laura is. Hmm, oh well. She'll show up soon.


" Laura! " I call. She turned around and looked at me, " Ness? " She asked surprised. Oh, I forgot to mention. Rydel gave me a few of her small clothes. I'm wearing one right now. It's short, it was until the middle of my stomach and it was sleeveless. Rydel said I looked gorgeous with it. Riker's mouth even fell open.

" What the heck are you wearing? You look like one of them. " Laura scoffs and points to the popular girls. I slapped her finger and she winces in pain. She glared at me, " Relax, Laur. Delly just gave me her small shirts. " She glared at me again.

" The fuck, Vanessa? You call this, " She paused and grabbed my shirt, " a shirt? " Laura asked angrily, letting go of my shirt. I knew she would act like this. Laura doesn't want me to wear these sorts of stuff. She thinks I look slutty and disgusting. I think the complete opposite. I think that I actually look pretty in these type of clothing. I don't understand why Laura's being so bitter.

" Laura, why are you acting like that if I'm wearing these types of clothes? Are you jealous or something? " I chuckled. She looked at me and glared, " Jealous? Why the hell would I be jealous? I'm sorry but I don't wanna look like a slut. " She says and looks away. I laughed at her.

" But when you're out of school, you are one. "


As Laura and I enter our house, she immediately slams the door shut. The sound of the slamming was so loud, I jumped.

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