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A lot of you are upset with me because the story went too fast. I just did that because there are more scenes in the future. I didn't want this story to go too long or else I can't continue my other stories.




" We were not stalking. We were investigating. There's a difference, mom. " Riker says annoyed. My mom slaps him. Riker gasped in shock and touched his cheek, " MOM! "

" How dare you talk back to me? For your information, I am your mother, Riker! " My mom yelled angrily. I rolled my eyes at her and walk to the stairs.

" That's no excuse for you, young man. " My mom called back. I rolled my eyes and walk back to my mother.

This will be a heck of a night.



I can't believe it. What the fuck is wrong with me!? I just told Ross a few information I knew about him. Shit, he might find out soon. It's currently nine thirty, Vanessa and I are heading home now. Vanessa is still sobbing a little. Ira and David helped us.

" I'd tell you to never come back here. But, I know that you'll never allow that. " David says sadly. Vanessa and I both nod. What if we don't find another job? Oh my God, we're gonna start on the streets....again.

" Goodbye girls. Please take care. " Ira says and kisses our cheeks. We nodded and start walking home. We were already a little far from the strip club. Vanessa breaks down once again.

" Vanessa? Please stop crying. " I say and hug her. She buried her face on my shoulder. I rubbed her back. " He knows now, Laura. What If he spreads to everyone that we're strippers? It will all happen again. " Vanessa mumbled. I shook my head.

" Don't worry, Nessa. " I muttered quietly. She brought her head up to face me.

" Huh? " She asked.

" We're fighting back this time. "



Riker is in his room. I am in mine. I have no phone, laptop. PSP, Wii, Xbox and Ps4 with me. My mom took it all for a week. I going to Riker's room. I entered to see him stuffing his face in his favorite pillow.

" Riker? " I asked quietly. He looked up and ran to me. He pushed me outside and he dragged me to Rydel's room. We both barged in.

" Oh my God, what are you doing here? " Rydel asked annoyed. Clearly she didn't want to talk to us. " Stop being a drama queen and help us out. " Riker said and we both sat on her bed.

" Help with? "

" Get us out of being grounded. You're our sister. " Riker answered. I don't know what was going on. We never planned this.

" No. " Rydel answered plainly. Riker rolled his eyes and huffed, " A thousand bucks for shopping. " Riker muttered and pulled out his credit card. Rydel stood up and threw her open nail polish at Riker, making the content spill all over him.

" Oh my fucking God, Riker! Do you think all I need is money!? I ain't no gold digger, Riker. Fuck you and Ross. " She said angrily. I furrowed my eyebrows, " Woah! Why bring me up? " Rydel rolled her eyes.

" Both of you get out of my room. " She said and sat back down on her desk chair. We both nodded and walked outside of her room. We slowly shut the door. Riker sighed but then evily smirked later on.

" Plan G? " Riker asked. I smirked, " You know it. " Then we both high-five.



I pull out the turkey from the oven and set it on the table. Laura smiled, I slightly smiled back. " I'm sure it will taste amazing. " Laura said happily. I nodded, " I hope so. "

Laura cut a small part and ate it. She chewed and smiled, " Awesome. " I smiled back at her and ate the turkey. Thank Jesus she liked it. I looked around our house. Ripped couch, shattered TV, scratched furniture... plastic stoves and ovens. I never wanted to live this way. But our parents left earth too early.

I was seven, Laura was five. She knew nothing about our parents's death. I never told her until she turned sixteen. She cried so hard that she forced me to make her a stripper like me. I first disagreed... but... she forced me. I couldn't do anything.

" Vanessa? " Laura said taking a bite of her turkey. I looked at her, " Yeah? " She shook her head. We then continued eating.

We finished up a little later. Since I felt horrible, Laura decided to wash the dishes instead. I thanked her and walk to my room. I looked around. Everything was trash. Everything we owned was trash to me. Sure David gives us money when we need it but that wasn't enough.

I sat on my bed and pulled my legs onto my chest. I hugged my knees and cried. All I need is a mother and a father. That's it.


Next day

" Laura, I don't want to go to school. " I muttered annoyed and yanked her hand. She sighed, " Come on Vanessa. It's almost 7:20am. We're gonna be late. " I sighed and stood up. I was already dressed anyway. I put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack. We walked out of our house.

We soon arrived to school, we took a deep breath then entered. Once we did, nobody stared, laughed and gossiped about us. What? This is crazy. Did Ross and Riker not say anything?

I looked around to see the two blondes talking to Rydel, yes I know her, She's in my classes. Rydel saw me and smiled. The two blondes turned around and walked to us, Rydel followed them.

" Hey Laura. Hey Vanessa! " Rydel said and hugged us both. Rydel is my only friend. She knows both me and Laura but knows nothing about our past. " Hey girls. " Ross and Riker said in unison. Laura rolled her eyes.

" Hey Delly. " Laura and I say in unison. Ross looked at Laura, " Hey Laur. Listen, I'm really sorry about everything that I've done. Especially about what happened to us yesterday. " Ross said smiling. Riker eyed me, " Me too. "

I looked at Laura, she looked back at me. Then we both started laughing. The three blondes looked at us confused. Ross and Riker mumbled something to each other making Rydel nudge them.

" Do you think we're stupid? " Laura asked annoyed. The three blondes shook their heads. " We both know you're not really sorry. Rydel just forced you to apologize. "

Ross sighed. Riker huffed. Rydel looked down.

" And if you really mean your sorry.... " Laura trailed off,

" We wouldn't forgive you that easily. "

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