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" Woah, epic plan! Who came up with it? " Riker asked smiling brightly. I smirked, " Me of course, but Delly gave me the idea. " I say still smirking. Riker gasped, " Delly gave you an idea!? " I shook my head, telling him its not what he thinks it is.

" She said maybe I should get together with Laura, That I should make her fall for me. Those words kept replaying in my brain and tada. " I say smiling. His shocked face immediately became a smirk one. " Awesome. If this backfires? " He asks worried again.

I smirk once again.

" We blame Rydel. "



I finish up cooking Vanessa and I's lunch and place it on the dining table. Vanessa smiles and inhales the wonderful smell of my cooking. " This looks and smells wonderful, Laura. Wonder what it would taste like? " She says giggling. She takes her fork, gets a piece of the chicken and tastes it. She smiles, " Yum! " She says happily. I giggle.

We both take a seat and prayed. After praying, we started eating our lunch. It was thirty minutes of silence.

Soon, we finished eating. Vanessa has to go to the market to buy some vegetables for the salad I'm making tonight. I'm already finished cleaning up. I'm currently sitting on the couch, watching television. I see Vanessa about to walk out the door.

" Bye Laur. I'm going now. " She says and smiles. I smiled back and she leaves. I sigh, turn around and continued watching TV.

Later on, the doorbell rang. Huh? I thought Vanessa brought her keys. I walk up to the door and open it. My jaw drops, not literally though. Why is Ross here!? I never invited him and surely, Vanessa didn't either.

" What are you doing here? " I ask impolitely. He gasps fakely, " Woah, Laur. I just wanted to visit. Is that bad? " I gasp this time, " Who told you to call me by my nickname!? " He smirks. UGH THIS BOY!

" Who said it wasn't allowed? " He says and invites himself inside my house. He flopped down on the couch and sighed.

" Hey Laur. Come sit here, let's watch a movie together. " He says and pats the vacant place beside him. I roll my eyes. No, I don't want to watch a movie with him. I don't like him!

" I never invited you to watch a movie with me. You can't just invite yourself. " I said annoyed. He chuckles, " Come on Laura. Don't be a buzzkill. " He says. I groan, can't he just leave!? " Just leave Ross! " I shout at him. He jumps a little, but then he continues to smirk, " I'll leave if you watch a movie with me. "

I groan and give up. I walked to him and sat beside him. He puts on a scary movie. Fuck, I hate scary movies! I hate this!

The movie has been going for already thirty minutes. I'm holding the pillow shaking while Ross is just staring blankly at the TV. A little girl jumps in front of the screen. I screamed and cuddled up to Ross. Hmm... he smells so good, almost like va- WAIT WHAT!? WHAT AM I DOING!? LAURA STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! I can hear Ross chuckling.

" Don't worry, Laura. I'll protect you. " He cooes. I want to pull away but I can't... he's so cuddly and sof- OH MY FUCKING GOSH LAURA! GET THIS OVER WITH.


The movie finally ended. But it ended with me sitting on Ross' lap, hugging him. I immediately stood up and walk to the kitchen. Vanessa isn't here yet. Hm, that's weird. Probably traffic, or maybe she couldn't get a cab?

I slam my hands on the counter and breath deeply. What did I just do? Did I just hug Ross and sit on his lap!? Laura, what the hell is going on with you!? I hear footsteps coming in the kitchen to see the blonde himself smiling like the fucking idiot he is.

" Enjoyed? " He asks smirking. I shook my head, " Never. " I say, breathing deeply. He chuckles and pulls me closer to him by my waist, as he whispers in my ear.

" Oh, I wouldn't say that if I were you... you were rather comfortable back there. " He says smirking, exhaling his hot breath in my ear. It sends shivers down my body. I push him away, glaring at him, " Just leave, Ross. Vanessa would be back any minute. I don't want her to see you here. " I say extremely annoyed. He frowns, " Oh. "

I feel bad.

Why, Laura? Why?

" Okay, then. I'll go. " He says and walks out the door. I sigh and flop down on the couch, resting my head. Then the door slams open. I turn and see Vanessa. She had a VERY smily face on.

" life is great, Laura, isn't it? "


I was smiling brightly. I ran as quick as I could here. Oh my God... life couldn't get any better for me.


Let me explain.


I was going to pick up some vegetables until strong arms were wrapped around my waist. I squealed and turned around to see Riker. He was smiling. I smiled back.

" Hey Riker. What's up? " I ask, grabbing some lettuce, he shook his head. " Nothing much. You? " He asks looking at what I was grabbing from the shelves.

" Making a salad? " He asks, I nodded, " Yeah. How did you know? " I asked confused. He chuckled, " I know the ingredients. I used to make this type of salad with my mom. " he says. " Wow, thats nice. " I say.

I walk up to the cashier, and placed the vegetables on the counter. I pull out my wallet but Riker stops me. He gives me his charming smile, " I'll pay. " He says and hands the cashier the money. I gasped, " Riker. You didn't have to pay. " He chuckled, " Come on, it's the least I can do for what I did to you. "

I grab the groceries and walk outside. " Hey Vanessa? " Riker calls. I turn around and smile, " Yeah? "

" I know what I did to you was quite harsh. So I hope you can come and have dinner with me tonight? " He asks smiling. I smirk, " Is this your way of asking me out on a date? " He chuckles, " If you wanna put it that way, then yeah. " I smile. My heart melted.

" Sure Riker. " I say. He smiles.

" Tonight 7pm. " He says and walks to his car. I just stared at him. But before he went inside. He winked at me. My heart melted with love.

Wait a minute. Do I like Riker?


Thank you for reading! Love you guys😍

Stay Calm
Stay True
Ship Raura

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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