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That's my tittle!!!!! That's just my tittle!!!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Tom stood in front of Marco's and Star's school, nervous. He had recently fallen in love with the brunet. He was always in love with Star, even after she had broken up with him. He always wanted her but then ever since he had to hang with the person he hated the most for about three or four hours he felt different.  His life coach, Brian, had him do that to recieve a badge. But he couldn't help but feel guilty when Marco was so hurt, but it all felt better when they sang the Love Sentence song together. The guilt returned unfortunately again when Marco sang the end of it. When the words 'till the day you broke my heart' came out of his mouth, Tom couldn't express how awful he felt, it couldn't even compare to the amount of sadness he felt when him and Star broke up. He had called her soon after and told her everything, from what happened and his feelings. At the end of the call, she had mocked him telling him he was in love with Marco. After all of that hollering she had laughed at herself before hanging up. Luckily for her, Marco was at karate class as Mrs. And Mr. Diaz were out shopping.
Tom held a rose in front of him as he had his other arm behind his back. He took in a breath before letting it out slowly. He was planning on waiting until school was over to 'hang out' with him and at the end, tell him how he felt. He was about to walk forward, the suspense of waiting was killing him and decided to just go in instead. He lifted up his foot but stopped as soon as he saw Star and Marco run out of school, chasing monsters.
"Marco!" Star called out as she dodged a monster but her wand was knocked out of her hand before a monster pulled her into a grip. "Don't worry Star! I got you!" Marco called as he punched and kicked off some monsters, trying to defend her wand. "Star! Catch!" The brunet yelled as he picked it up from the ground and kicked the monster off of her, throwing the wand to her. She caught with ease as she jumped up. She chanted out a spell of crystal cupcakes and defeated them in a matter of seconds. "Come on you idiots! Let's go, walk of shame!" A loud, annoying voice called as a portal was opened, a small bird like thing standing next to it.
"That was fast." A voice said causing the two to turn around. "Nononononono." Star said as she rushed over to the person, pushing them back to the carriage with a dead skeleton horse. She still believed he was in love with her, even after telling her about how he felt. Star had totally forgotten their conversation. She had just been teasing and messing with him when she had said that he loved Marco. "No, wait Starship! I was wondering if we can hangout... Again." Tom said as he stopped himself from being pushed. "No, and I'm going to say what I said when you came to invite me for the blood moon ball; take your fire and take your dead horse and leave." Star said as she pointed at the carriage. "No, not you Star. I'm talking about Marco!" Tom said as he walked over to the boy and hooked his arm around his shoulder. "Woah Woah Woah! We are not hanging out! And last time, if I remembered correctly, it didn't go well." Marco said as he tried to escape the other male. "Look, I'm sorry Marco. I mean, I know it's not good to use people and everything. But just give me a second chance." Tom said as he pulled away finally. "Aww! You love Marco! That's so cute! Well then, I guess that's fine and makes sense. Bye Marco! Have fun time with Tom!" Star called as she skipped away, noticing the students leaving the building meaning school was over. "No! Wait Star!" Marco called out as he reached out a hand, watching her skip away and out of sight. "Come on Marco. Just, please." Tom said as he gave a hesitant smile. "Why? Why should I?" Marco asked as he crossed his arms and turned his back to him. "Why shouldn't you?" Tom said and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Besides, we can go anywhere you want, do anything you want." Tom said as he snapped his fingers and a rose appeared. "Marco, who's this?" A female voice said causing them to turn their heads. A blonde stood there with a helment on, she wore a green long sleeve shirt with blue jean shorts. "Oh! Jackie! He's uh... He a... I mean.... Jackie... Uh..." Marco said as he continued to stutter and struggle to say something. "We're just friends. My names Tom and I'm a demon." Tom said and held out his hand. She shook it as she stared into his eyes. "My names Jackie." She said with a giggle as she felt hypnotized by his red eyes. "Ok you've guys meet now let's go Tom." Marco said with an annoyed and angered tone, his voice very upset. He grabbed a purple hand not holding his crushes and pulled him away. Tom looked back and forth in confusion as he looked at a very bothered Marco who didn't want to hang with him and now stated did want to VS. Jackie who looked at him with hearts in her eyes. He had barely just meet her. "Marco, what's wrong?" Tom asked as he snapped his fingers, making a wall of fire to stop the brunet who just tried to pass by it but soon created a box around them. "Tom! Let us out!" Marco shouted and waved his hand to the fire. "What's wrong?" Tom repeated himself. "Nothings wrong! Ok?! Its not like you'd actually care! Just let me out so I can go home! Why are you even doing this?! Are you trying to get Star back?! You can't have her! She doesn't love you anymore!" Marco shouted and shoved the demon. "Calm down and tell me what's wrong!" Tom said as he snapped his fingers again so fire pulled the brunet into his grip. "Can you just let me go! I don't want to tell you!" Marco shouted as the other sighed. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." Tom demanded. "Fine! I'll tell you ok?! I like Jackie and you're over there and she has the goggly eyes for you! I can't even talk to her and you've already stolen my chance with her!" Marco said as he looked away. "Marco, I didn't mean too. We haven't even actually meet! We only meet for a minute, shaking hands and exchanging names. I already like someone else anyways." Tom said with a sigh and looked down, letting go of Marco and snapping his fingers so the fire disappeared. "Really? Who?! I can use that to get Jackie back, and she'll have a shoulder to cry on." Marco said with relief. "I don't really think so." Tom said before pulling Marco into a kiss, who's face was burning red. "Marcccoo?" A voice said that caused him to pull away and look to see Jackie once more. She looked at them with confusion and awkwardness with a group behind her. "Uh.... Jackie!..." That was all the brunet could say as she looked down. "Oh sorry, I didn't know you guys were dating." She said before turning away and walked in the other direction with the others following. "What am I going to do? Now Jackie will never like me. Why'd you even have to do that Tom?! You're such a jerk." Marco said as he walked away with a shake of his head. "Wait Marco!" Tom called out and snapped his fingers so Marco was brought back struggling by fire. "Tom! Let me go! Jeez! You already messed everything up! The only good thing left is Star and my family." Marco said as he sighed. "Marco, I just want you to know I'm really sorry. Its just that-- I didn't mean it." Tom said as he grabbed the brunets hands and pulled him close.  "Yeah, you're just full of lies, now aren't you?" Marco said before snatching his own hands away. "Come on, please. Just give me a second chance! Just once more." Tom said in a pleading tone. The brunet looked at the demon, inspecting him closely before letting out a sigh and groan. "Fine. What are we even going to do?" Marco asked. "I don't know. I said we'd do whatever you want." Tom said with a shrug. "Well, I heard there's a new karate movie coming out. There's a new karate guy who supposedly good. His hands something like Ryan Brulee." Marco said. "Ok. Cool. Where is it?" Tom asked as he walked closer to the other. "It's only a few blocks away. Come on, we'll walk there." Marco said and grabbed the others hand before pulling him along as he started off in a jog. "I thought you said we were walking." The purple skin being pointed out. "Yeah I know but whatever. It's just that it hit me that today is the last day." He responded as he ran even faster with a Tom trying to catch up.
Tom and Marco walked out of the theater laughing. "Did you see him?!" Tom asked laughing. "Yeah! He was 'Hwayah!' But he like totally missed! And he slipped on that water!" Marco said laughing. "I know, right?!" Tom said as they continued to walk. "Wanna go get some tacos?" The brunet asked as they had slowly gone silent, holding hands. "Uh sure." Tom said as he looked at their hands. "Yeah, uh, ok." Marco muttered, also noticing their hands as he blushed. Throughout the movie he continued to think about when Tom had kissed him. It always made him blush and look away when he remembered, he would always be staring at the demon when that happened. "Marco? You ok?" A hand waved in front of his face, causing him to jump and let put a squeak surprisingly. "Woah! Are you ok?" Tom asked once more and held out a hand to the brunet laying on the ground. "Yeah. Its just that I was... Thinking." Marco responded with a sigh. "Yeah, ok. What about those tacos now? I mean it is getting late so we should probably hurry up." Tom said as he pulled the other to his feet. "Yeah, I really need to stop saying yeah. Anyways, good idea. Let's go quick. Its over here, only a block away." Marco said before running off with Tom again.
They stopped in front a of shop with tables set in front of it, it was dark there besides the moon. "Man, we're a little too late." Marco said with a sigh. "Marco? I need to talk to you." Tom said as he turned around. "Is it... About the kiss or something?" The brunet asked, looking at the others back. "Well, yes. When I had kissed you, you asked who I like. It's you I like. I don't know how. Its just that, I don't know.... I felt like I really connected to you after using you. Its really weird, I even called Star about this. She was making fun of me, saying I was in love with you. But then I kinda realized I did and I have a crush on you." Tom said as he could feel Marco staring at him. They just stood in silence as they looked somewhere else, avoiding contact. "Well....." That was all that came out of the brunet before he let out a small yelp of some sort. Tom had pinned him against the front of the building suddenly. "Tom?" Marco asked, worried. "Marco." Tom said before leaning into the others blushing red face and pressing his lips against Marco's. Marcos eyes went wide as he became stiff, unsure of what to do. Tom pulled away with a small nervous smile before he pulled out a red rose on fire and putting it behind his ear. He also slipped a piece of paper into his pocket before a carriage arrived which Tom got into as it disappeared.
Marco walked all the way home in daze as he replayed his time with the demon, still blushing as he looked at the rose in his hands. He walked into his house, not noticing Star that jumped up from the couch to run up to him. "Soooooo..... How was your date with Tom?" She asked as she looked over his shoulder to look at the flower in his hands. "Fine. Fine." He waved it off as he walked up the stairs. "Tell me what happened after I left." She said as she followed him into his room. "Yeah, yeah. I'll tell you tomorrow." He said as she gave a smile and shrugged. "Ok then!" She said and turned around to leave. He closed the door and sat on his bed, putting the rose back behind his ear and digging through the pockets of his sweater. "Where is it?" Marco muttered. "Here it is." He said and took out a small pink piece of paper folded in half. He opened it up to see the question 'Will you be my boyfriend?' As well as digits. Marco just let out a small smile strangely to him and set the paper on his desk and decided just to go to bed.
Star hadn't actually left as she was listening to him so as soon as she heard him snore, she snuck in and read the small piece of paper before putting it back and sneaking away with a large grin on her face.

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