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That's just my tittle!
That's just my tittle!
For now on my tittles will just be emojis!

Marco walked into Star's room to see her summoning animals. "Hey Star." He said as he sat down on her bed. "Heeyyy Marcccooo!" She called as she jumped around. "So you gonna tell me about that date of yours now?" She asked. "What? It wasn't a date!" Marco denied as he blushed. "Are yaaa suuurrrree? Cause last night I said the same thing but you didn't say it wasn't a date, you only said fine fine and you'd tell me tomorrow. Plus you had that rose and that piece of paper." Star said. "Star! You snuck into my room?" He asked but let out a sigh as she only grinned back at him nervously and shrugged. "Whatever. Well, anyways after you left I was saying I didn't want to hang out with him and he said I should but then Jackie came. She asked who he was and well, then they meet each other she looked like she really liked him. Like how you really like Oscar. So I was mad and didn't like it and dragged him away from her before he had noticed I wasn't happy about something. Then he forced me to tell him what was wrong, even locked me up in a fire box. Then I finally told him that and he said he didn't mean it and that he liked someone else. I asked who so then I could tell Jackie and my plan was too be her shoulder to cry on but then he kissed!" Marco said as he ran his hands through his hair, looking at the spot next to the blonde who listened closely. "And then Jackie was there. AGAIN!!! And I freaked! She walked away, sad, with a bunch of other people. Saying she didn't know me and Tom were dating! Then I got even more upset before walking away but Tom begged to have another chance and said he also didn't mean it that. The way he looked at me, I couldn't say no. Besides, I kinda owed him since he did bring back Mackie Hand from the dead for me. So when I agreed, I asked what we were doing. He only told me that I was choosing so we went to the new karate movie and went to go get some tacos...holding hands. Then we got there and it was closed. And then Tom started to get serious and face his back to me. He said that he had felt like we connected the last time we hung out. And he told me he called you and you only said that he was in love with me. Then he said he realized he had a crush on me. He kissed me again before giving me the rose and the note." Marco finished with a sigh. "Aw! Really?! You guys are in love! So are you going to be his boyfriend?!" Star squealed and jumped up to her feet. "What? No Star. Guys like Tom never change." Marco sighed and put his face into his hands. "Marco. He has changed a little! Besides! There was that time you tried to help that monster!" Star said and grabbed the flower and showed it to his face. "Come on Marco. He's kinda not a bad guy for you. You'll look great together!" She said with a smile he returned. "Yeah I guess. I'm going to go call him then... I guess." He replied before getting up and taking the rose back. He left the room with a small laugh, directed at himself. He couldn't believe he was actually going to call Tom and stuff. And what about Jackie? The girl he's had a crush on for years! The girl he kissed once during Prom Night. And now, it was all going into the trash. All of that embarrassment, nervousness, all of that work going into the trash. Marco opened the door to his room and plopped himself onto his bed and dialed the number from the paper and laid there, holding the phone to his ear. "Yellow!" Came an answer and voice Marco had never heard before. "Oh. Hi! Ummm.... I'm sorry, I thought this was someone else's number." Marco said with a sigh. "Oh! You mean that three eyed, purple skinned, horned demon Tom?!" They asked with excitement. "Uh, yeah him." Marco replied with uncertainty and hesitation. "Yo! Hey, three eyes! Your boyfriend's finally calling!" The person called as Marco blushed. 'I'm not his boyfriend!' The brunet thought but was startled when a reply came from the device, as if they read his mind. "No, not yet but you will be soon." "Give me that! You dumb triangle." A finally familiar voice muttered. "Hey Marco." The person said with annoyed sigh. "Oh sorry. I didn't know it was a bad time. I'll call back later then." Marco said with a small, sad smile that he knew the other couldn't see. He pulled the phone and hung up, unfortunately hearing the other call to him saying, "No, wait hold on." Marco felt bad immediately after, he had just cut off Tom from what he wanted to say. He jumped up when a portal suddenly opened up in his room and a pair of arms tried to pull him through. He resisted against them and struggled to cling onto his bed. "Star!" Marco called as his grip was weakening. The called blonde came bursting though his door a few short seconds later, letting out a gasp. "Marco!" She said with suprised, running over to grab his hands but was too late as he had in attempt to remain there, grabbed the sheets but helped him none as he was pulled into the portal. Sheets on the ground as it laid a few feet away from the shocked girl who stood there paralyzed. "Marco." She whispered before running out of the room and to hers.
Marco was thrown into a pile of dirt and groaned. He had really been hoping and wishing that those arms that snatched him were Tom's. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't. Instead it was a group of monsters that looked like either a werewolf or centaur. There was about only five as two were dark blue male centaurs as there were three female light purple werewolves. "Who are you?" Marco asked as he stood up, dusting himself off. "We're the 5 Indigos!" A centaur called, causing them all to holler. Marco honestly couldn't tell any of them apart as all of the males were identical with the same brown baggy shorts and black boots as the females were also identical to one another and wore the same shorts and boots as the centaurs, except they wore white shirts. "The 5 Indigos? What? I've never heard of you." The brunet said as he tilted his head slightly, face holding confusion. "Cause we're the strongest there is and everyone we've fought is in a coma so they haven't been able to tell others. We go and find people who are strong or we go hunt people if we're paid to." Another male said. "And you so happen to be paid to be brought and taken to one of our clients. It's also a win win for us since we've heard how you human can defend yourself against monsters using bare hands, only human power." A werewolf said. The same werewolf suddenly charged at him, causing his eyes to go wide. "Oh no." He said before ducking, watching her sore overhead. He heard growls and yells from the others before they also charged. He watched as one raised a fist over his head, about to bring it down before he backed away quickly and kicked them back to fall onto the ground, unconscious. "Hey! Francis!" A centaur yelled, causing all of them to look at the other centaur. "That's my brother!" He called. "Let's get 'im!" A female said as they all came rushing to him. Marco couldn't see a thing as dust covered his eyes and blocked his vision. He could only feel and hear. So, trying his best, Marco kicked and punched his hardest. Hoping he'd hit a monster as he could feel scratches on him that burned from the dust in the air. As Marco felt someone hit him, he had already pushed himself off of them to propelled himself, hopefully landing away from the group of five. He tumbled to the ground in a coughing fit and pushed himself up, looking at his surroundings. He could see the ground was covered in red dirt, large red boulders in some places but besides that, the place was cleared. Marco could see the pile of the monsters on the ground, one centaur trying to get up still. Pushing himself to his feet, Marco quickly ran over there and hit his head, as if chopping a board in half. The action caused the monster to fall back to the ground in defeat. The brunet let out a groan and rubbed his hand, feeling intense pain everywhere. He looked at himself to see his pants had holes, showing some of his marked up and bruised skin as well as some cuts. His sweater in the same condition as he had rolled up sleeves, showing more cuts there then anywhere else. He let out a sign of relief, running a hand through his hair. He looked around at his surroundings once more before another pair of arms grabbed him into a portal with a yelp received from him.
Marco stood in front of another fallen group of monsters. He let out another sigh as he wiped his forehead. Thank god he had taken karate. He had since his third round of monsters taken off his sweater to wrap around his waist and had found a piece of cloth to wrap around his forehead. "Found him!" A voice said before another pair of arms wrapped around his waist this time instead of pulling him through a portal by his arms or ankles, like that one time being caught by all female monsters. He had tried to push himself against the person once more but stopped as someone pulled him into a hug. "Marco!" A voice said as he looked at his shoes. He was to afraid to look up as he thought it was another group of monsters. He couldn't recognize the familiar voice again as many had sounded like that. "Finally we've found you. We looked everywhere for you Marco. Starship's been worried about you." Someone else said, with a voice only he had that the brunet recognized easily and happily.

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