Zane Truesdale X Reader

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You were out on a date with your boyfriend Zane. It wasn't much of a date mainly you two sitting by his little hang out enjoying each others company.

You had your hand intertwined with his and your head resting on his arm. Zane never really shows his emotions but for you he makes an exception.

He had a small smile formed on his face as he leaned down and kissed your head ever so softly. You blushed deeply not taking your eyes off the beautiful sunset rubbing little circles into the palm of Zane's hand.

Soon enough the sunset finally came to an end and the both of you sat there quietly for another few minuets. Enjoying the silence between the both of you, most people would find quietness between couples awkward but you two liked it, you both liked hearing the sound of each others breathing.

It was soon getting quite dark and the two of you decided to head back towards the dorms. The both of you were in the obelisk dorm so you two didn't have to leave each other half way. You noticed Zane's grip on your hand get a little tighter and you turned your head to see him smiling down at you.

"Everything okay Zane?" You asked your taller boyfriend looking into his deep teal eyes.

"Your the one thing that makes me happy other than dueling, after those years in underground arenas I thought id never find happiness again until I met you" Zane pulled you closer towards him planting a soft kiss on your head.

You rolled your eyes giggling lightly, this was his cheesy attempt to say I love you with out him even saying it, he always finds his way around things so people won't call him a softie.

"Oh come on Zane just say I love you, because I love you" you smiled up towards the older boy who just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah me to" He replied not paying attention to your puppy dog eyes your giving him.

"Damn it Zane why can't you jus..."

You were cut of with a pair of soft lips  on top of yours. You were shocked but slowly melted into the kiss happily kissing him back. The kiss lasted only a few seconds as Zane pulled away. That was your first kiss together and you loved it you were blushing like crazy. Zane grabbed your hand again continuing to bring you back to your dorms when he then heard you whine.

"You still never said it" you whined with a pout on your face trying to pretend to be mad at him.

"What that I love you, that's what the kiss was for" he had a small smirk on his face looking a head of him seeing if you'd catch on.

Your eyes lit up hearing those three words coming out of your lovers mouth and you hugged his waist leaning your head on his side.

"I love you to Zane"

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