Haou (Evil Jaden) X Reader

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You loved living with Haou, he's the best boyfriend you could ever ask for, he could get you anything you wanted in a minuet. Even though he's mean and a jerk to others your the one person that makes this king soft and fluffy.

You were walking around the castle in his big shirt and a pair of shorts. You were bored, soooooo bored. You missed the days back at Duel Academy where you could mess around with Syrus when you we're bored or talked to Jesse if you needed his advice. Haou was out with his minions so it was just you left in the castle you couldn't even go to your boyfriend for cuddles cause he was out. So you decided to take a little adventure, you put on one of your favorite shirts, skinny jeans and a pair of converse  and headed out. Before you left you wrote Haou a little note telling him if your not back before him to order take out.

You made your way to duel academy and smiled when you smelled the familiar scent of the campus. You made your way over to the Slifer Dorms remembering all the memories you made her with all of your friends. Deciding not to knock on your dorm you let your self in earning you a loud squeal of fright from your old pal Syrus.

"(Y/N)!!!!! We thought you were a goner" He hugged you tightly and you happily returned the hug

"Naa it takes more than a blast to get rid of me" You laughed rubbing the back of your neck "I've been with Jaden this whole time...well he said that Jaden is gone so I must call him Haou but my Jay is still in there to"

Syrus just looked at you completely confused as if you read a story from the back of a book. Your phone soon started to buzz letting you know you got a message.

1 new message

Where the heck are you??? I come home to an empty house, start making your way back its getting dark.

seen 5 minuets ago

You let out a sigh and say your goodbyes to your friend making your way back. Haou was right just after ten minuets of walking it instantly got dark and cold. You started to rub your arms to try keep some heat. You heard crunching of leaves in front of you, you froze in your spot, you never did like the dark. The crunching stopped and you bumped into something, you couldn't make out what it was but you knew it was taller than you were. You gulped slightly but then you felt the familiar strong arms wrapping around you for a hug.

You instantly hugged back knowing it was Haou nuzzling deeply into his chest hugging him tightly. He held you close to him letting out a sigh of relief, he led you back to the castle holding onto your hand tightly. You smiled softly, only you get to see this soft sweet side there is to the Supreme King.

"Next time your going out let me know okay I was worried sick" He turned to you once he was at the entrance to the castle

He leaned down to your level placing a kiss onto your lips, he pulled you closer as you kissed him back wrapping your arms around your neck. You two kissed for what felt like forever...until two of the minions had to ruin it.

"Looks like the boss has gone soft" One of them sniggered "You think if we leave he'll be that worried about us"

Haou glared at the two that we're laughing at him, he started yelling at them both telling them off. You couldn't help but giggle, even though you miss Duel Academy with all your heart you love seeing Haou yelling at the minions for doing stuff wrong, which is why you love living in the castle, not just of that of course but the fact that you get to be with the love of your life constantly is why you love it so much and you would never leave your Supreme King.


Hope you enjoyed this one shot,

Sorry I haven't been updating at all I've been away, but I'm back now and I'll be updating more frequently.

If you have any requests feel free to message me all you have to give me is the character you want and what you want to happen in the story

Next up:

Jehu (Evil Jesse)

Hell Kaiser (Evil Zane)


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