Jehu (Evil Jesse) X Reader Lemon

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Just a warning for those of you who are not into the lemons this oneshot is gonna get very heated and if you don't like reading these then don't read it simple. If you don't like it don't message me saying you don't like it I'm writing this for the people who have been asking for lemons and smut. Anyway I hope all you smutty people like it. also sorry for bad spelling


Jesse has been missing for over a week, everyone was out each day looking and hoping in finding him. But the one person who was desperate on finding their best friend was you. You missed him so much and the day you we're gonna confess your feelings for him he has to go missing just your luck right. Jaden was helping you look for him and you guys decided to split up and that if you eventually found him that you'd head back to the main campus and meet right outside.

You we're sticking to the path hoping you'll find him along it, you soon got bored facing that he wouldn't be on the path and decided to head to the woods. It was still bright so you managed to slip through trees and bushes easily. After an hour of walking you seen a figure you smiled wide as it looked like Jesse and you of all people know that boy from anywhere. You started sprinting towards him and tackled him in a hug.

"Jesse you idiot everyone is worried sick back at the dorms you scared us so..." Once you seen those golden orbs you knew it wasn't your Jesse but he still had the same face, body everything the only difference was his eyes they we're the one thing you knew wasn't his.

You scrambled off the man looking at him trying to process if it is him or not. Of course its him how could it not be. Your mind was going crazy wondering if it was him or not.

"The Jesse you once knew is no longer, I'm going to rule this world with you as my queen" He smirked as he pressed you up against the tree.

You blushed deeply but it soon left as you noticed the adorable Northern accent that you fell in love with was no longer there. Instead its overpowered by a deep thick voice, you couldn't help but shiver as he spoke to you. He took this to an advantage and kissed you hungrily. You had a deep blush on your face but couldn't help but kiss back. He shoved his tongue into your mouth forcefully earning a little moan from you, his hands moved down your sides to your butt as you sucked on his tongue tangling your fingers in his hair.

"Mmm Jesse" You moaned

"Don't you dare use that name its Jehu" He growled huskily in your ear "but daddy to you" (sorry for those who despise the daddy king cough cough my senpai)

He grinded roughly against you as another moan escaped your mouth, he started to teasingly rub your thighs as his lips started at your neck, he was going painfully slow and you wanted more. He left hickeys all over neck leaving sure to leave no place unmarked, slowly moving to your breasts he ripped off your shirt as it was in the way. You removed his shirt as you started tugging at his hair telling him you wanted more. He just smirked ignoring your pleads as he started sucking on your left breast groping the other one with his free hand.

You started to tug at his belt indicating that you wanted it off "What is it baby girl" He spoke as he bit at your ear "I want you inside me......daddy" you blushed deeply as you said the last word looking away.

Jehu smirked and decided to run a hand up your skirt, the feeling of the wet pool at the bottom of your underwear made him smirk at what he does to you. You let out a moan as he started rubbing you through your underwear pressing himself against you as he does so kissing you deeply. He soon slid a finger into you, you let out a loud moan as he started pumping in and out of you.

"Mmm daddy faster" Jehu did as you instructed and started pumping in and out even faster than he already had, soon you released on his fingers and he smirked licking it all up.

"You taste so sweet baby girl, but just wait till daddy releases his fluids in you" He smirked as he pulled everything you were wearing off and you did the same to him.

Soon he had you on the ground on top of you with a smirk forming at his lips, he lightly pecked your lips and roughly shoved himself inside you, you screamed his name as you clawed at his back slamming against your walls he loved the sounds of your moans against his neck. Shoving himself further in you couldn't help but throw your head back in pure pleasure he kept hitting your spot and you were a moaning mess.

"D-Daddy I'm close" You moaned as your hands ran down your back

"Me to baby girl" Jehu let out a moan in your ear and you shivered at the feeling

Soon you two both released your fluids and Jehu flopped down beside you with a smirk holding you close to him, you were panting heavily laying beside him with the biggest blush on your face. You couldn't help but stare into those beautiful gold orbs you cupped his face planting a light sweet kiss on his face with a smile plastered on your own.

"I love you Jehu" You smiled happily as you kissed his nose

"I love you to my princess" He smiled holding you in his arms not wanting to let you go.

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Next up:

Hell Kaiser (Evil Zane)



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