《 5 》

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"one reason, cause i start to love you and that was the way."he said like it's nothing really serious, hyejin frown again.

"love? but why you being a cat, i mean huso? that's so nonsense boy."she ask. try to push his hand away from her but he glare make her stop.

"okay, i don't even know why i be like this but my stepmother do this.. she don't like me and poison me with a liquid that make me like this."he explain.

"but why me? what with that love thingy?"hyejin ask, she just wish to escape this but she know she can't.

"i don't even know this is the way to recover but after about a year you take care of me my feeling toward you start to growing.."he explain more.

hyejin nod her head slowly and she ask him to continue. her cheek do burning like a tomatoes now but the dark of night make it to be unseen. "so here i am, changing back to human.."

"oh! miss hyejin, i love to see that fucking hot body."he suddenly said which make a move to push him away from her and this time she did it.

"byuntae!"she hit his chest lightly. that boy almost fall from the bed but he manage to stay still on it.

he grab both her hand to stop her from hitting him more. "what? you're the one who show it to me, and one more thing.. i really hate yoongi."he said and rolled his eyes.

i let out a soft chuckle, this time she found him cute cause the way he talk. "so? are we going to stay in this position until tomorrow?"hyejin ask,  shuffle back from his.

but he make a move to wrap his arm around her waist again which hyejin try to escape but she fail it. "why not babe? you have a nice body and a good kisser too."he said with a small smirk.

"hey! let go of me now, i don't like to stay in this position huso.."hyejin pinch his hand that holding her but his next move make her freeze.

he suddenly pull her to him make her face his broad chest. "my name is hansol, not huso."he whisper to her ear with a deep voice.

hyejin could feel his heartbeat beating with a slow pace. "hansol-shi? please let go of me."i said but he shook his head, their face only an inch away from each other.

"i love you min hyejin, you always make my heart beat like crazy whenever i look at you. i always want to comfort you whenever you cry because of that seungcheol guy.."hansol whisper to her.

"y-you know about seungcheol?"hyejin ask, stuttering in her word. hansol make her face him and he nod his head with a smile or smirk?

his nose make a touch to hers. "i know everything about you min hyejin, i know it.."he said again with those deep voice.



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