Meeting Jack

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It was just a normal day for Elsa.
Get up, get dressed and go to work.
So why did she feel that something would be different about today?

Elsa's P.O.V


I am woken up from my lovely dream by the horrible noise of the alarm clock. Why did I think it would be a good idea to wake up this early to do exercise?

Not one of my brightest of ideas to say the least but I drag myself out of bed and walk over to my wardrobe slipping on my work out gear. I open up my bedroom door and head down the stairs opening the door and locking it behind me. I hide my key and do some quick exercises before starting my daily morning run. I zone out everything around me and just focus on running, sticking in my head phone and playing one of my favourite songs..

Angel with a Shotgun.

I love these runs they wake me up and I love the feel of the fresh cold air blowing in my face and my hair. It calms me down.

Running through the woods, I run to the same place I always do... The waterfall.

I stop after about 20minutes and stand in front of the waterfall.

It's beautiful.

I sit by the side of the rocks just staring at my reflection

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I sit by the side of the rocks just staring at my reflection. Swishing the water side to side creating a rippling effect and just indulging myself in the sound of the water hitting the lake.

This has been my secret retreat from work. I stumbled across it once when I was little and brought a cabin not far from it from a local not very long ago. If I ever felt the need to get away from the stress of work I always found myself ending up here: My home away from home.

Suddenly, my relaxation is stopped by the alarm on my watch telling me that I have work in an hour. I quickly run home hoping in the shower before getting ready and heading out to work.

I am currently a CEO to my dad's company Frost Executives. I never chose to work there from a young age it was something expected of me to take over my fathers company, study business and management in order to learn the skills to run it as soon as I turn 21. I was never asked if this was my dream it was just my expectation, something I never got a choice in. I am grateful to my parents for believing in me and I am thankful that I can afford most things people my age can't. I like my lifestyle but it was never my dream to run this company  and no matter how hard I try and convince my parents to let me peruse my dream I can't...

Locking up the door I begin to walk to work. I do have a car but I like walking as it isn't that far and I love the feeling of the nice breeze in my hair and the exercise.

I walk down the sidewalk with a smile on my face quickly running into the café to grab myself a chocolate chip muffin and a hot chocolate. I continue walking, in a world of my own, when a glimpse of white hair catches my eye. I look through the crowd of people and see a homeless guy on the street. He looks fairly young with white hair and pale skin. His unique like me.

Everyone seems to be walking past him... It is like he isn't even there, like nobody believes in him. My feet start moving towards him and I can see the look of sadness in his eyes. I crouch down to him clearing my throat and his head slowly looks up, his cyan eyes locking with mine with a tint of sadness still in them.

"Would you like my chocolate chip muffin and hot chocolate?" I ask him, sincerity in my voice.

He looks shocked.

"Who me?" He asks.

"Yes, who else am I talking to." I say chuckling.

He smiles showing his pearl white teeth.

"Sure, they were actually my favourite thing to eat and drink before I became homeless." He says smiling, before a look of sadness etches on his face.

I feel sorry for him but trying to cheer up the mood I say enthusiastically

"What no way, it is my favourite too!"

He looks up at me and smiles.

"Thank you." He says.

I smile at him and sit down next to him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I am sitting next to you, is that a problem?"

"No" He says a slight blush on his cheek.

"So tell me your name." I say.

"My name is Jack." He says.

"I like that name it suits you." I say smiling.

He smiles back.

"Thank you. What is your name?" He says.

I go to reply but my alarm goes off on my watch.

I quickly get up off the ground wiping the dust off me.

"I am so sorry I am running late for work. It was lovely meeting you Jack!" I say and wave goodbye quickly rushing off.

"But wait-

I didn't here the rest of the sentence as I was already halfway down the street.

I quickly make my way down the street luckily the building is only about 2 blocks down so I made it only a couple of minutes late.

I push open the door and quickly say good morning to everyone on my way in before heading to the elevator and pressing number 10 to head to my office.

The elevator door opens and I quickly head out. I begin walking to the end of the corridor to my office only to be met by my father.

"Hello Elsa dear, how come you are late?" He asks.

"Oh sorry dad, I just got held up" I say.

"Okay" He says.

"So what is on the agenda for today?" I ask whilst walking towards my office. I open my door and sit at my desk before he hands me a bunch of files which I place on my desk next to me before focusing my attention back on him as he gives me the instructions of what is required of me today.

"I need you to sort through this files they are potential companies that are interested in setting up a partnership with us. There are 10 candidate companies and I want you to review all the notes we have off the companies and pick 3 for us to interview in order to make the decision" He says.

"Okay will do! I will see you later then Dad." I say.

"See you darling." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Well better get started on this work then.

I sit down in my chair and begin to flick through the files. This is going to be a long day.....


1211 words

Hey Guys so this is the first chapter of my new book I hope you are excited for the rest of it! I would also like to say a massive thank you to xXFandom_Geek_NerdXx who made this awesome front cover for me.

Anyway Bye for now,

Meg :)

The Homeless Guy With a Secret! (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now