Can I say something crazy?

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Elsa's P.O.V

I don't know why I am here but all I know is for some reason I found myself craving to talk to Jack. I'm waiting for him, curious about his whereabouts, thinking of the events that just occured. I had finally met Jackson, the guy I'm arranged to be wed to, and I can't help but admit the attraction I felt towards him or deny the possibility of him being my soulmate but yet I found myself here, searching for Jack. My mind races and I find myself questioning my actions wondering why my heart urges for me to go and talk to Jack. However, I find myself making my way back to the same street that has now become a daily trip for me, my eyes searching for Jack, looking articulately for his distinctive white hair, a part of him that drew my attention to him in the first place.

Unable to see his hair, I still continue to the same spot he is always sat at, figuring he may be hidden by the mass of people who flood the street. However, I reach the same spot in which he sits everyday only for my eyebrows to rise in confusion by him not being there. My mind instantly thinks the worst and I begin to panic. He isn't here. Why isn't he here? The confusion was quickly replaced by panic, he is always here why isn't he now? Where is he? I sit on the floor rocking back and forth, my hands pulling on my hair, confusion and fear clouding my eyes.

"Elsa?" I hear his familiar voice say. Instantly I look up, to see Jack standing before me a curious look evident on his face, but the immediate sense of relief that rushes over me causes me to act without even thinking about my actions. I find myself jumping off the floor and running into his arms, embracing him in a hug. He is evidently confused by my unusual display of affection but returns the hug, resting his chin on my shoulder. I find myself craving to stay in this position, his body warmth providing me a sense of comfort, but I force myself to pull away. I search his face checking for any scratches or marks which causes a blush to form on his cheek. My eyes lock with his and I find myself falling in deeper, a light blush forming on my cheeks realising the worry and care I displayed towards him but snapping myself out of a trance, I punch him in the arm.

"Ow. What was that for?" He says, rubbing his arm.

"Where were you I was so worried. I thought you'd disappeared, I thought you'd been kidnapped, I thought-" I start ranting at him only to be cut off with a pair of lips meeting my own, they are so soft and I find myself craving to taste them, to give in. My eyes are wide as I find Jack kissing me but yet I find my body relaxing, surrendering to the kiss. Fireworks go off in my head, before I come to my senses and pull away. Looking at him, I realise the seriousness of what just happened and I slap him.

"You can't just go around kissing people Jack, especially engaged people!" I shout, a stern serious look plastered on my face.

"I don't know how you can have a go at me, you kissed me back!" He says raising his voice back at me. I stop dead in my tracks turning to him and giving him a glare.

"You know what? I can't deal with this. I'm leaving, I came to talk to you about this engagement but now I won't bother." I say, throwing my hands up angrily and in frustration.

"Elsa wait-" He says but I find myself already beginning to walk away.

"Elsa stop!" He shouts but I find his voice getting fainter as I walk further and further away.

"Elsa please. I love you." He says, which to me sounds more of a faint mumble but nevertheless I find myself stop dead in my tracks. I turn around, angrily marching back towards him. I grab his collar looking him dead in the eyes, full on glaring at him.

"What did you just say?" I question, my voice aggressively angry.

"I love you." He says and I find myself letting go of his collar, which causes him to retreat standing in front of me.

"No. No. No. No. No." I keep repeating, worry evident in my tone as I once again find myself pacing up and down tugging at my hair, almost pulling it out due to the stress that I am currently feeling.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!" I say.

"What wasn't?" Jack questions, confusion evident in his tone.

"You weren't supposed to fall in love with me, I'm engaged Jack." I say looking at him sorrowfully.

"But what if Jackso-" He begins to say but I cut him off.

"Jack please..." I say on the verge of tears.

"Elsa. I know this is crazy but I've felt like since the moment I met you were my soulmate, you looked past the fact that I was a homeless man and you saw me for the real me. You're beautiful, kind and have such a lovely laugh. The way your eyes light up and you're voice, well you're voice I could listen to every day and I want to wake up to it everyday because you're perfect. You've become my best friend and that kiss, well that kiss just made my heart realise what it had already known. Elsa I love you." He says, love evident in his eyes and for once I find myself unable to reply I am seriously speechless.

"Can I say something crazy?" I say and his eyes light up with a sense of hope, anticipated to hear what I have to say.

"I think I felt it to. I think I love you too." I say and his face lights up, like a child on Christmas day, and before I know it his lips come crashing down on mine once again. I can't fight the urge to resist his kisses they are already like a drug to me, his lips are now something I crave, and I am already addicted.

"Jack..." I mumble into the kiss. He pulls away embracing me in a hug, filling my heart with warmth.

"I love you but I'm sorry because I think I may be in love with Jackson too...." I say and in that moment it is like his whole world come crashing down, I am left full of regret as I watch him walk away, my pleads for him to stay like a muted silence. I watch his eyes cloud with misery, unaware of the happiness that is buried deep below the surface of his eyes.


1156 words.

Here's another chapter for you with with a Jelsa kiss you can consider it a late Christmas present I hope you all had a nice Christmas and a wonderful New Year and I already have the next chapter in the works so it won't be long until the next update but hope you enjoyed this chapter as I really enjoyed writing it and was eager to share it with you guys!


The Homeless Guy With a Secret! (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now