Epilogue - Eternity

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Jack's P.O.V

Two years.

That's how long me and Elsa have now been together and I have never been happier.

We started over again and didn't rush into a relationship straight away even though we loved each other I decided to wait, give ourselves time to start fresh and after a month I asked her to be my girlfriend, that was one of the best days of my life as soon as she said yes. Ever since she has come back in to my life my heart is always full, full with love and full with warmth. Her smile and her happiness brightens my day and even though we have had our ups and downs the one thing that I am certain of it that our love is never ending, it will last for an eternity.

I glance at the time, realising she should almost be home. The clock has slowly been ticking away, the day not being able to pass quick enough. I had took the day off to prepare because today was special, today was our two year anniversary and I insisted she worked, even though she was reluctant to, so it gave me time to prepare her surprise. She made me breakfast, giving me a card but told me she would give me my present once she got home, something that had been bugging me all day curious as to what it was. Missing her voice, I decided to give her a call even though I had only text her a few minutes ago. I grab my phone and go on my favourites, dialling her number as she picks up on the first ring.

"Hey Jack." She says, an excited voice which radiates a sense of warmth through me instantly, the angelic voice instantly making me happy.

"Are you on your way home yet?" I ask eagerly.

"I am leaving now, you text me like 5 minutes ago asking me the same thing. Why are you being so impatient for?" She asks with a light giggle.

"I just want to see your beautiful face." I say truthfully. I hear her giggle once again, softer than before making me imagine the beautiful blush on her cheeks, disappointed that I can't see it in person.

"Well I'm getting in the car now, I'll see you soon honey." She says and I jump up and down in excitement, I admit even after all these years I still act like a child.

"Okay honey, drive save." I say, concern in my tone.

"Will do. See you soon." She says.

"I love you." I reply, never tired of saying those words to her.

"I love you too." She says, before hanging up the phone. I pull away from the phone, my heart pounding and a blush on my cheeks. She still makes me feel like a helpless teenager flaunting over their first crush but I never get tired of seeing her face, I never get to used to hearing her say I love you and I never want this perfect women to ever slip from my grasp so running into our garden, of the house that we brought recently, I check that everything is set up.

 She still makes me feel like a helpless teenager flaunting over their first crush but I never get tired of seeing her face, I never get to used to hearing her say I love you and I never want this perfect women to ever slip from my grasp so runnin...

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My breath hitches, only just taking into account how perfect this is but I am  brought out of my daze when I hear the front door locks turning and some keys before hearing the angelic voice of Elsa shouting my name. Instantly, I run towards the garden making sure she doesn't come and look for me due to me not wanting to reveal the surprise before she's even managed to put her things down.

"Hey babe." I say, embracing her in a hug.

"Well someone is affectionate today." She says, with a wide smile and a light giggle. I go behind her, my arms still snaked around her waist as I nuzzle my face into her neck.

"Only for you." I say and as she turns her face to look at mine I give her a kiss on her cheek, causing her smile to get even better and a light blush to form on her cheeks. I pull away, missing her warmth but eager to show her my surprise.

"Come on anyway I have something to show you." I say excitedly.

"Give me a chance to put my stuff down I've only just got home." She says placing her jacket on our coat hanger and her bag on the floor, next tot he flats she slips off. She is wearing a beautiful dress that frames her figure perfectly and I know she couldn't be dressed more beautifully for this occasion. As soon as she places her stuff down, I instantly drag her out towards the door leading out to the garden with her struggling to keep up behind me.

"Okay close your eyes."  I say as I glance over looking to make sure she has her eyes closed, not answering her curious questions. I open the door and lead her outside before telling her to open her eyes. As soon as she does, her breath hitches and tears begin to well in her eyes.

"Jack this is beautiful." She says, tears beginning to trickle down her beautiful face which I find myself wiping away instantly, cupping her cheek and looking into her gorgeous eyes, falling even deeper then I already have.

"Happy 2 year anniversary my love." I say and she smiles, a lightbulb seeming to go off in her head as she quickly runs back inside to grab something. She rushes out with a gift, what I can only presume to be my present. I lead her to the table at the end of our own lit pathway, sitting down to the meal I prepared before eagerly opening up my present. Inside the box is a frosted blue hoodie which caused my eyes to light up in wonder. As I pull out the hoodie, something slips out the pocket, not one but two things. I push my seat out crouching down to the floor, as I see a encased snowflake with the engraved outline of My Frosty <3. Next to it, I see an envelope which reveals a booked holiday to an Ice hotel in Finland, where we can see the northern lights which she knows I've always wanted to go to.

"Oh my gosh Elsa. This is amazing!" I say, tears in my eyes as I realise how sentimental these gifts are to me. Her smile lights up as she sees how happy I am and we eat the meal I prepared, my nerves beginning to show.

"I have a surprise for you." I say, my voice cracking as my hands begin to sweat. She looks shocked unexpected that there was more than this surprise that I have already given her. I pull out a black box out of my suit pocket, causing her eyes to widen and breath to hitch.

I get down on one knee next to her chair as she faces towards me, tears now already trickling down her face. I take a deep breath and pour my heart out.

"Elsa. My snowflake. No words can describe the amount of love I have towards you, you are perfect in every way and heck this speech is so difficult because no amount of words can describe just how much I love you but I want to...I want to show how much I love you for the rest of my life, I want to grow old together, have kids together and obviously have sex with you." I say chuckling, which causes her to slap me on the arm.

"Elsa. I want to experience everything with you, you've been my soulmate from the beginning and everyday I will cherish you and love you, treat you like the queen you are if you will let me be your king and the happiest man on earth." I say, pouring my heart out. My hands begin to sweat more, my nerves really kicking in as my throat goes dry as I ask her the big question.

"Elsa will you marry me?" I say opening the black box, revealing a diamond encrusted, silver ring with a snowflake on the top. She is full on sobbing as she struggles to get her words out.

"Y-es. Of course I'll marry you, you fool." She says, embracing me in a hug, tears falling on my shoulder as I chuckle at her response. We hug on the floor, embracing each other never wanting to let go but as I slip the ring on her finger I know I will love her till my very last, dying breath. I will love her for eternity...


1459 words.

Extra long chapter guys and I was actually sobbing at the end. Sorry guys I know you may want like a wedding, Jelsa babies but this is the ending of the book but good news I have another one in the works which I will be publishing soon so please watch out for it, it will be called The Guy That Changed Everything so please check it out! I hoped you guys enjoyed this book and I thank you all for your votes, comments and just for sticking with me.

I love you all,

-Meg <3

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