Asalamu'alaykum guys!! Something has been annoying me..
But of all the text messages, there is one single letter that drives us all bonkers: "k."
I've recently had a conversation with someone by text and here it went:
Hey - friend
What you doing ?-friend
Just reading, you?-me
Just watching some videos-friend
K got to go. Speak to you soon- me
Why did you right k it sounds like you don't even want to reply?-friend
I just meant it as in okay. It's not that deep ;)-me
I really hate when people write the letter k. It's just that they are so lazy they can't write one extra letter. Ok?-friendTo be honest I didn't really see "k" as a bad thing. I just saw it as someone saying ok but for short. I guess I was wrong..;)
It's interesting how one single letter can be interpreted so harsh. Regularly used in text messages or online, the word/letter/phrase/term, "K" really only means one thing: OK
So to the people who think "k" is a word that is used to insult people, it really isn't. Some people are just lazy- like me- or just are used to using the letter k and don't mean for it to sound 'rude'.
I know your probably reading this and thinking calm down it really isn't that big of a deal but to be honest it just annoys me ;) Everyone has there own opinions so don't take this as offensive guys it's just what I think ;) I got that some people get annoyed because people are just lazy and can't be asked to even write ok. I don't know I just didn't think it was a big deal. I don't know that's just what I was thinking lately?
Thanks for reading this I know it's not really what I usually write but I thought I would write something a little different. Comment down below what the letter 'k' means to you..
Hijabi Life
LosoweAsalamu'alaykum! If you don't know me by know my name is Umm Aaliyah. Have you ever had thoughts about things or problems that you didn't want tell anyone about but didn't know what to do at the same time? Just write me a comment or message me pri...