The letter 'k' ?

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Asalamu'alaykum guys!! Something has been annoying me..
But of all the text messages, there is one single letter that drives us all bonkers: "k."
I've recently had a conversation with someone by text and here it went:
Hey - friend
What you doing ?-friend
Just reading, you?-me
Just watching some videos-friend
K got to go. Speak to you soon- me
Why did you right k it sounds like you don't even want to reply?-friend
I just meant it as in okay. It's not that deep ;)-me
I really hate when people write the letter k. It's just that they are so lazy they can't write one extra letter. Ok?-friend

To be honest I didn't really see "k" as a bad thing. I just saw it as someone saying ok but for short. I guess I was wrong..;)

It's interesting how one single letter can be interpreted so harsh. Regularly used in text messages or online, the word/letter/phrase/term, "K" really only means one thing: OK

So to the people who think "k" is a word that is used to insult people, it really isn't. Some people are just lazy- like me- or just are used to using the letter k and don't mean for it to sound 'rude'.

I know your probably reading this and thinking calm down it really isn't that big of a deal but to be honest it just annoys me ;) Everyone has there own opinions so don't take this as offensive guys it's just what I think ;) I got that some people get annoyed because people are just lazy and can't be asked to even write ok. I don't know I just didn't think it was a big deal. I don't know that's just what I was thinking lately?

Thanks for reading this I know it's not really what I usually write but I thought I would write something a little different. Comment down below what the letter 'k' means to you..

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