How do i tell people that im pregnant?

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Asalamu'alaykum.I'm sorry I haven't been active on wattpad lately. I had a lot of homework, coursework etc.
I got a message from a sister which I thought is something that all women are going to go through once in there life so I hope this benefits everyone. This can sometimes be really difficult.
The question was:
"Asalamu'alaykum sister. I have a bit off an issue and I've seen the previous advice you gave the sister who wanted to wear s niqab. That actually helped me a lot as well so Jazakallah khairan!
So, I found out a month ago that I am 3 months pregnant. I don't know how to tell my parents and my husbands parents. I'm scared that will reacts a certain way. What do you think I should do and how should I approach them. Could you give any advice to since I'm a young mum. Is there specific things I should do during my pregnancy so it turns out successful?"

I understand what your going through. I know it really difficult to tell your husband's parents. But you have to know that you two are going to have to tell them eventually.

I think your husband should focus on telling his parents and you should focus on telling your parents. This makes it easier for the both of you.

Don't worry about how they'll react. It's most likely positive. Keep thinking optimistically, everything is going to be fine. Telling your parents that you're pregnant can be a scary moment, particularly if you're a young mum, or your family doesn't approve of you having a child so soon.

Go to your mother and tell her first. Usually your father is the scariest to tell. So once you've told your mother she'll obviously tell your father. If your father asks you about it act causal and say you are.
Don't stress. They are most likely going to be happy.

Do what's right for you but you have to know that they have to know eventually. If you don't tell them you'll be thinking about it everyday and pregnancy is going to be the best. They'll figure out something's up either way. Trust me parents know everything before you even know.

I asked a sister on how to cope when pregnant and thinks to do which will make you pregnancy easier and more successful. She said one thing which she thought was the most important. Pray to Allah. This might seem simple but it's also he most effective. The other tasks are also important like staying healthy, resting etc but bear in mind that this is very important. Always look back to Allah.

I hope I helped you on everything. If you need more information or anything please don't hesitate to message me. Inshallah everything will go just fine.

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