Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I didn't know how to process the math that Louis had just laid out on the table for me.

"Louis... That's six years. You do realize that right? I mean you just turned 22..." I trailed off at the end not knowing where I was going with what I was trying to say. What is he thinking? That's six fucking years... There's no way management would ever let this happen.

"Trust me. I know what you're thinking. It's really strange, but there are much worse relationships out there. Lindsey; you yourself are like four years younger than Harry! I me a you can't really judge me on this! Just at least think about it." Louis pleaded. I knew that if this Madison girl were to ever break his heart that there would be hell to pay from all if the other girlfriends. But I get some kind if strange feeling when I'm around her. I feel like we would get along great, but I don't want the heart of my boyfriends best mate to be broken.

"Okay." I sighed.

"If you would just listen to me- Wait , what ?" Louis' eyes grew wide with excitement and I could tell he was about to go full on hug mode if I didn't open my mouth.

"I'll give her a chance, but only this once. If she breaks your heart, I break her face. It's that simple. You understand that?" Even though I tried to be as serious as possible, my smile crept it's way to the surface.

"I totally understand! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He stood and engulfed me in a tight ass hug. "Um- Lou... I need- air.." I choked.

Harry came through the door and took in our appearance. "Where the bloody hell is my tea?" He asked. I just rolled my eyes and Louis let me down. I never knew he had me off the ground! Jeez.

"Hold on babe, I'll get it."

"No. I'll get it. I guess I got to tell him about everything too." Louis mumbled.

"Well then, I'm gonna go get to know Miss. Presley then." I smiled.


I left Harry alone in the kitchen with Louis while they argued about who should get the packets out of the top cabinet of the cupboard.

"Hey, so what's with..." I drifted off as I rolled my head towards the kitchen. I couldn't help but notice the way Madison's face lit up. "Oh, we are just friends." She smiled. I could tell she wasn't telling me everything. "And you're okay with that?" I pushed. She looked down at her lap and played with the ring on her finger. "Did you get that for you?" I pointed. "Yea, last weekend. He said it was just to show that we are best friends and he thought that I deserved so much more than what I have now. I just wish it stood for a little more, ya know?" She smile down at the ring before she locked eyes with me again.

"Yea, I know he likes you. I also know how much of a sweetheart and gentleman he is too. But the down side to all that is I also know how much of a pussy he is to ask a girl out." I laughed.

"Could you maybe talk to him for me, please?" Her eyes held hope, and I couldn't help but smile. "Of course I can."


"So what do you think about Louis' new girl?" Harry asked as he pulled the covers back.

"I think we'll get on great actually. She seems pretty shin diggin cool." I smiled. I was trying to tuck the sheet back under the mattress with great difficulty. I noticed how silent it had become. When I glanced back up at Harry, he was looking at me with the most confused face.


" 'Shin diggin'? What the hell does that mean?" He laughed.

"Back in the states, it means... Well I don't know exactly but it means a good thing." I laughed.

"Well come here, I'm pretty cold. I need a hot body against me." He winked.

I crawled in next to him and he kissed my temple.

"Goodnight Babydoll. I love you." Harry whispered. He had already started drawing circles on the small of my back and I could barely keep my eyes open. "Goodnight baby, I love you."

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