Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I thought I heard Harry get up sometime during the night. When I heard the bathroom door closed, I realized just how crazy and paranoid I was acting and went back to sleep. He soon joined me back in the bed and I was comforted by the warm feel of his arm snaking around my stomach once again.

I was now laying in bed on my side watching Harry sleep. I know that sounds really weird, but he just looks so peaceful. I don't understand how anybody could ever talk bad about him. He's honestly the most perfect person I know. He's just got that attitude that I can't get enough of.

"Babe, I know I'm hot and all, but you're drooling on my chest." harry mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"Shut up! I am not!" I laughed as I smacked his chest.

Harry caught my wrist in my drawl back and pinned it above my head. My breath hitched in my throat as he rolled over on top of me.

"Harry! Get off! Seriously! I can't breath!" I giggled.

"No, sorry. Can't do that. You hit me." He whispered.

His lips started to trail kisses from the bottom of my neck up to my ear. No matter how much he tried to look intimidating, his dimpled smile resembled a ten year old boys'; causing me to laugh. "Harry, please. It's only 4:37 in the morning. I'm in no mood for horseplay." I giggled. "Fine. go back to sleep baby." He chuckled as he kissed my forehead. He rolled over and I fell back asleep.


My eyes fluttered open to the bright light shinning through the window. I felt around in the bed for my curly haired boy, but he wasn't there. I shuffled out of bed and down the stairs. The aroma of waffles and bacon filled my nose and I felt my stomach rumble.

Harry had his back to me while he flipped waffles over. the mountain of food on the table was humongous. I was so astonished at the amount of food that I didn't see Harry come up behind me. He pressed a soft kiss to the bottom of my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Good morning sweetheart." his voice was deep and raspy. "Mm, good morning. What's all this for?" I asked. "Oh, the boys are coming over today. So I made food for all of us... well, all of Niall." he shrugged. "How long do I have to take a shower?" I didn't want to leave Harry to cook all the food, but damn I'm feeling pretty skanky. "Actually, I think you look cute right now." "Harry, my hair is in a knot in top of my head, I've got some pretty rank morning breath, and I don't know. I just feel dirty." Harry's dimples were on full display as he laughed. What the hell is so funny? I watched a she but his knuckles an scrunched his eyes closed. "Harry, what are you laughing at?" I was starting to get agitated. "Love, just look. Here. he pulled his phone out and handed it to me with shaky hands as he laughed some more.

The screen was black, but I could still clearly see the mustache and goatee that had been drawn on my face. "Harry!" "What? it wasn't me!" he threw his hands up. "Then who-" "Sorry love, but I had to." Louis said as he ruffled my hair. He walked over and started to pour himself some coffee. "Louis! When did you... I forgot you fucking live here!" "Hey, it's washable. Now go shower and I'll have you a plate ready when you come back down. Yell if you need anything, or any help. Okay?" Harry stepped between us and rested his hands on my shoulders while giving me a wink. "Fine, but you will pay." I said around Harry. Louis crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. "Arse hole." I mumbled. "Peasant!" he fired back. I chuckled as I headed upstairs.

"So I take it you didn't need any help?" Harry asked. I jumped at the sudden sound. I was lost in my thought of what the future might hold for the two of us. I was sitting on the edge of his bed wrapped in my towel. "Jesus! Don't do that." I let out my breath. "Sorry love, by the way; why are you naked in my bed?" he crossed the room and was now havering above me. His green eyes were hit by a sudden ray of sunlight and I could almost hear myself gasp at the sudden beauty. "Complaining Styles?" I cocked an eyebrow up at him. "No! Not at all. I was just curious." he laughed. "I just don't have any clothes here." "You could've asked. Here, wear this." he walked to the closet and grabbed a black v-neck shirt. He then proceeded to pull a pair of black basketball shorts from a drawer. "Thanks babe. Sorry I got the bed wet. I was just thinking." I slipped the shorts on and Harry helped me shimmy on the shirt. "You know, I didn't bring panties either." I mumbled to myself. "You mean you're going commando right now?" Harry's dimples showed. "Hey, you get that cheeky from off your face right. Ow Styles." I tried to appear serious. "Yes ma'am. permission to speak freely ma'am?" "Granted." I smiled. "You look mighty fine ma'am." his British accent changed to the worst southern American accent I've heard. "Don't ever try to do that again. I laughed. "You didn't like it? I thought it sounded like you." his eyes were playful so I didn't let the slight sting of his words show. "Are the rest of the boys here yet?" "All except Zayn, but he's always late." "Well, come on." I headed towards the door. "By the way Lindsey, don't think I let that little comment about getting my bed wet get past me. I just didn't want to ruin the mood." Harry snickered. "Pig." I mumbled. Harry opened the door for us and we headed down to see the rest of the boys.

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