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Helen came into Philip's bedroom the next morning and woke him up by tapping him on his shoulder. She stood over his bed and just stood there. 

This wasn't going to be a pleasant morning. 

"Philip, I don't know what exactly is going on but I think Lukas was involved in the death of Tommy and Tracy" 

"What? That's insane!" Philip shouted 

"It's the only thing that makes sense right now. First they are found at his cabin-"

Philip cut her off mid sentence and said "His dad's cabin, that he never goes to" 

"And I saw Lukas yesterday leaving possible evidence anonymously at the station" 

Philip didn't have a comeback for that one. He ended up just saying "Well maybe he is trying to clear his name by giving the police a new lead" 

"A new lead to distract us from him being involved" 

"I can't even believe you think Lukas of all people would hurt Tommy and Tracy" Philip said as he got out of bed and walked out of the room. Helen followed after him and they both traveled down the stairs arguing. "Your wrong about Lukas!" Philip said as he stormed out the door.  

Philip had left the night before also and went riding around on his bike. He didn't want to text Lukas since he knew that Helen always tacks his phone and invades his privacy. Philip knew that if he wanted to clear Lukas' name it meant going to the extreme and risking his own safety to catch the guy responsible for Tommy and Tracy's death. 

He first went to the police station while Helen and Tony were on a lunch break. He took pictures of their murder board and was going to see what kind of evidence that had both against Lukas and against who a real suspect could be. He hid under a desk making sure that no one saw him in their office. When the coast was finally clear he sprinted out the door to be alone in the woods. 

Philip had no other thought than calling Lukas. 

"You need to meet me at the tunnel right now! It's an emergency" Philip blurted into Lukas' voicemail since he didn't answer

Philip waited around in the tunnel for a while, but Philip never came. 

After about two hours of waiting Philip was going to call it quits and go home, however, someone else came to the tunnel instead. 

It was Helen. 

"Are you tracking my phone again?" Philip sarcastically asked 

"For this moment, yes I was. Philip you rushed out of the house I had to make sure you were okay" 

"Yeah well I'm fine....even though you think my friend is the one who killed Tommy and Tracy" 

"Philip I now know Lukas wasn't involved in the cabin"

"You do?" Philip asked not totally believing Helen 

"Yes, I looked over the motion activated cameras that we set up around the cabin and we heard you and Lukas talking about the real killer" 

"So you know everything now?" Philip asked 

"Yes, and I also change my mind I think Lukas should stay at our house for a few days until we have a possible suspect in custody for the murders" 

"So you know everything and you want Lukas to stay at our house?" Philip asked repeating what Helen had said making  sure that he heard her correctly 

"Philip I don't care about that stuff" She said as she began to leave the tunnel. She didn't care if he was coming with her or not, but she then said "I only care about keeping you safe" before I could say anything she had left and I was in the tunnel by myself. 

From Lukas:  I'm on my way now, stay there 


Lukas ran into the tunnel and kissed Philip immediately without saying anything. It was unexpected but Philip didn't mind. He leaned forward to kiss Lukas again and it made them both happy. For the first time in a long time they were alone and safe together. 

Lukas pulled back from the kiss after a while and asked "So why'd you have me come here?"

"Because Helen told me that she doesn't think of you as a suspect anymore" 

"Are you serious?" Lukas exclaimed 

"Yes I'm  serious, she is going to use the evidence you brought in to actually try and find the real killer" 

"So we're going to be safe?" Lukas asked 

"I hope so" Philip said softly "but Helen said she wants you staying at our house until she gets a suspect in custody so she knows we're both safe" 

"So I'm guessing Helen knows we are friends then if she wants us under the same roof together" 

Philip debated about telling Lukas the truth about what Helen knows. Lukas had just gotten his original life back being the popular guy in school. He lost his girlfriend and his reputation because of Philip, however the two of them always find out a way to work things out together. They may have been in a situation in school however, they both know what they want it's just going to take a longer amount of time for it to be revealed to everyone. 

Philip decided not to tell Lukas about what Helen and Gabe already know. 

He thought to himself that he was making the right decision. 

Lukas and Philip wanted to be alone for a while longer so they just sat in the tunnel together just being together. They didn't do much talking but they just sat their. It didn't matter to them if they were talking or kissing but the satisfaction of them being alone together and feeling safe for the first time was just something so crazy to think. 

"Since we're going to be under the same roof you should know that I snore" Lukas said laughing breaking the silence 

"Wow so the guy I'm with snores that's not going to be annoying in the future" 

"You know I think we should change that wording" 

"What wording?" Philip asked 

"Instead of saying the guy your with....." Lukas said looking deep into Philip's eyes preparing his voice for what he was about to say. "How about you just say boyfriend?" Lukas suggested 

Philip didn't say anything. He just jerked his head forward and he went in to kiss Lukas. It was the sentence he wished to hear since he and Lukas became more intimate together. Philip thought that as of now his life was going to get back on track. 

"Okay, boyfriend it is" Philip finally said 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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