Chapter Three

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Dwindling Flames
Fire Ignites
Chapter Three's View Point: Blaze

Blaze heard a twig snap and shot up from her nap. In her dream, she had been walking in a forest but nothing was falling or burning. She looked around to see the same amber-eyed black tom from the alleyway sitting in front of her. His ear had a tear in it and he was plump, almost as plump as a house cat. He didn't need that blue bird! So he had helped her escape from George. Blaze also noticed he wasn't completely black furred. He had very dark brown paws and underbelly and tail tip. His paw was on a twig which he must have purposely snapped.

"Hi." Was all he said. Blaze's ear twitched and she frowned.

"Um, hi?" She stood up. Wow. She knew she was smaller than the average she-cat but he was big. Maybe not as big as George, but still. Bigger than Spot, who was an average sized tom. "Why are you in my yard? Thanks for saving me by the way."

"No problem. I heard George say he was going to claim a prize from you, so..." The dark furred tom ducked his head and his eyes had a thoughtful glaze to them. Blaze snarled. So that was why he had saved her. And he looked so kind too!

"I'm not some prize kitty! Get out of my yard, tom cat!" Blaze hissed. The tom flinched and backed away.

"Sorry..." He mumbled. "I was just looking for a mate to have kits with."

"Then go across the car-path, one of the two-leg dens have a breeding she-cat!" Blaze lowered herself into a crouch. The tom studied her crouch and for a moment Blaze realized that this crouch probably looked more professional, and thereby more threatening.

"I don't want that kind of she-cat. I want one that doesn't let every tom mess around with her. One I could live and care for forever." The tom mewed helplessly. Blaze narrowed her eyes. The tom sighed and turned around. He leaped onto the fence with amazing grace, and he didn't have to scramble up the fence like she did. Blaze suddenly remembered something.

"Wait!" The tom flicked an ear to show he heard her. "Do you think you could pass the word on about a new clan that will welcome any willing cat in? Tell them that in a clan everyone provides and cares for each other so noone starves or feels lonely. We'll also have a territory to protect and hunt in. We'll live in the forest, as a clan."

The tom nodded and jumped off of the fence, landing with a thud on the other side. Blaze sighed. He would be a good member. He was caring and wanted a mate to live with, a clan would be a good option for him. Blaze turned around and looked at the door as she heard a click. A female adult two-leg came out, with some fish treats in paw! Blaze meowed happily and bounded around the two-legs feet. The two-leg barked something and Blaze rolled over onto her belly. The two-leg kneeled down and scratched her cheek, handing her a treat. Blazed mewed her thanks and nibbled on the treat, licking the female two-leg's paw. The two-leg giggled and petted her with her other paw. When Blaze finished licking the two-leg's paw she stood up and ran in circles. The two-leg purred her praise and handed Blaze another treat. This repeated until there was a buzzing noise and the two-leg pulled out a device, with Blaze called the Caller, seeing as two-legs talked to each other through it or watched other two-legs do things.

The two-leg gave Blaze a pat on the head before walking inside and shutting the door behind her. Blaze purred contently and sat down. She licked her paw and began grooming herself.

Blaze had to stop half way when she heard something scramble up her fence. Blaze groaned. 'Another cat in the same day? Since when did I get so popular? It's not Spot, since he can't climb, and it's not Samis since he never leaves home unless his two-leg takes him on a walk. It can't be the tom since he's graceful. Maybe Cherry?'

Blaze turned to see non-other than the bully himself plop down onto the ground. Very ungracefully, if Blaze might add. Blaze hissed at George.

"What are you doing here George?" Blaze snarled at him. Another tom to deal with. Great.

"To claim my prize, of course. That stupid tom didn't even win the fight! He just left the bird and ran immediately, I didn't even get to scratch him!" George went on as if he was worth listening too. He padded closer and Blaze unsheathed her claws.

"Back off!" Blaze said, lowering herself down into the crouch. George simply looked her over.

"Good posture. Been practicing for me, pretty kitty? Now, just lift up your-" George yowled as Blaze slashed his nose. "How dare you! Now it's twice each day, anyway I like it!" George launched himself at her and Blaze slid to the right. George landed on the ground and snarled. He rammed into her before she could dodge. Blaze managed to drag her claws down his side. George hissed and slammed his paw at her face. He didn't do it correctly though, leaving no scars or blood. George grabbed her scruff again and forced her on her side.

"Now I'm taking you to my den, and you'll be stuck there forever, kit! Maybe I'll even let some neighborhood toms come play with ya. Wonder how BloodClan likes free she-cats?" George hissed, blood dripping from his side. "Should of just let me had some fun with ya, pretty kitty!" George lifted her up and layed her on the ground, loosening his grip as he tried mounting her. Blaze whipped around, pulling her neck from his grip and slashed his face. He staggered backwards and pounced on her, claws digging into her skin. She kicked him with her legs and he glared at her from where he was flung.

"I'll be back tomorrow, pretty kitty... Better be in position and not attacking me." George threatened and turned tail and ran, climbing over the fence.

"Spread the word, Georgey! A new clan's welcoming members, anyone's welcome as long as you like working together and hunting with others and defending territory. If you do that, maybe, just maybe, I'll let you have some fun." Blaze yowled after him. She wasn't really going to let him do anything, let alone touch her, but it may make him tell others, more polite cats, about her clan. Blaze licked her paw and stomped off. She went through the cat flap and dived under the couch. She curled up into a ball and sighed.

Today really wasn't that weird. Toms and even she-cats where always like this out in the alleyways. Trying to you-know-what she-cats, steal prey, claim territory, kill a few cats here and there. The only weird thing was it happened so fast, she was only half way through the day, and the strange dream.

Her ears folded against her head and she wrinkled her nose as she smelt blood. Whether it was hers or George's, she didn't know. Maybe both. She sighed, again, and twitched her nose. She let herself slip into dream land...

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