4. Questions

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Derek's p.o.v.
Walking through the halls of Beacon Hills should have been like any other day, but today? It was more different than I would imagine due to the fact Kate, my ex, isn't under my arm. But I wasn't worried about that one little detail, I'll have the only girl that truly mattered, Luna. I'm so glad Kate is gone, I did like her but just thinking about Luna in my arms makes the monster within me go crazy. "I should really talk to my mother about these weird feelings." I thought. Anyways all 1st - 4th hour, my mind was all about Luna but when 5th hour comes along; the basketball courts calling my name. During the basketball game, the double doors burst open and an anger/confused looking Luna comes through. She looks around at everyone playing til her amber eyes land upon mine and she yells "DEREK HALE!!!". I've NEVER seen Luna this anger within the three weeks we have hung out and to be truthful, I'm really scared. And that's the first... Even though all I hear while looking at her is everyone of my friends laughing while some are whispering "Trouble in paradise.. ","This soon?!", or "Derek is so f**ked." and thanks to the beast within I heard every word. Also Luna's fast and rapid heartbeat as I made my way towards her. 'Is she hurt? Did Kate do something? Im going to kill her!! Wait, where did that come from?' Checking over her, she glares "Bleachers... NOW!" When we reach the bleachers towards the side of field, Luna stops walking and seats on them. With me standing next to her on the ground, she looks at me for a few minutes and with a deep breath says "Why?...Why would you, Derek Hale, the captain and all out popular boy, break up with THE Kate Argent, ?". I was a little shocked and confused at the way she was acting while talking so calmly with only a little ounce of madness in her voice but I calmly replied "Why would you, Luna Lycan, date a guy like me?"

Unknown fate- Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now