8. Secrets

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Third p.o.v

Its been only two days since my 6th birthday party with this new foster family.. nothing is the same anymore. The mother barely glances at me and the father won't keep his greedy eyes off of me. The children laugh and play with the toys that should've been mine... Mr. Roberts says that I don't deserve them or I haven't earned my right to play. I beg him with tears in my eyes. But he just has this look in his eyes that I've never seen before. Mrs. Roberts takes the children outside to play.... While they leave he comes closer to me; a creepy grin on his face, and grabs my wrist. He's so much stronger then me; but that's impossible with the animal inside... His eyes! They've flickered into a blue color. "NO!!!!" I scream but it's not use, he throws me against him with my mouth covered... We are headed to the basement doors. 'I don't wanna go down there'. He throws me down the stairs and I hear a crack... 'I think my shoulders broken' 'come on you stupid animal, fight back!" He ends up jumping down the flight of stairs to land in front of me with his face shifted... I'm screaming. 'I'm dying'. I don't know how much more I can take of being chained to the floor. Of being abused by this man who was supposed to protect me. My animal has failed me. 'Mother always said that it'll come when I need it the most, it'll be like second nature to protect me'... 'Mother was wrong'. Unfortunately it'll be years before she comes out to save me.

Derek's p.o.v.
I come back to myself while facing Luna with my hand reaching towards her.. and she flinches away. 'Why does she flinch?!' I hear my mother climb to her feet but I don't fully notice due to Luna's eyes glazing over... I feel the fear and pain radiating off of her in waves. 'No this can't be happening!' I go to shake her out of it but my mother stops be with a hand to my shoulder. I take a chance of looking backwards to hear her say, "Don't, you can't take her from this memory, just hold her and be with her when she comes back... I'll keep everyone away from the house until then." I drop to my knees to pull her into my arms with little resistance from her. Her pain is unbearable and I can't do anything to stop it. She has this hollowness in her eyes. I feel so hopeless. 'How can I be this stupid?!' 'I knew she had an unforgivable past but I'm supposed to help her with her pain' ' I can't lose her like I lost Paige!!' My mind is forming all these unfortunate outcomes of losing my true mate to a form that I can't fight. Maybe my mother is right, she's the Alpha after all.... I'll hold her until it passes and be here when she needs me to fight away the demons. Hopefully my mother can keep everyone away until then.... "Mother? Why are you on the porch steps? Where is Derek, I smell him around here?' Is that Laura, my mother can't hold her back for long. 'We are so screwed' I groan out....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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