Part. 1. Sweet lips

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Marshal Lee groaned quietly and flipped his hair out of his face. He had a sharp glare and his eyes darted around the room at all of the candy people. Why would Gumball even dare to invite him to one of these tacky balls, when he knew he was hated? He obviously didn't fit in here, and no one liked him, it's not like he cared.. but it was pointless. His eyes caught the attention of that bubbly pink guy— Prince Gumball. He had to be the most annoying creature in the candy kingdom, and most of the most annoying things was…he was PINK. What an ugly color that was.. it made Marshal Lee cringe. Suddenly, those eyes on that pink face met Marshal Lee's. Marshal Lee jumped, his eyes widened. Why would he look back over here? He folded his arms and glanced away. He looked back towards him through the crowd, Bubble gum wore a small smile, looking at him he winked. His hands were occupied by Fionna's, who was too indulged in the fact that she was dancing with the prince.. she didn't notice his eyes straying from hers. Marshal Lee looked away again, his face still a slight shade of crimson.

"What's that guy's problem.." He mumbled softly. There was no reason for gumball to be looking over here, Marshal Lee wasn't one of his 'candy minions' who treated him like complete royalty, no, infact, Marshal was just the opposite. Why couldn't he get him out of his thoughts? It was annoying.. so annoying. He directed his glance in the direction of the price once more, now though, his eyes were looking at Fionna. Marshal Lee looked down at the floor. "Pfft." He let out a small breath, his hair blew out of his face slightly. He knew that pink pig was just looking at him to be annoying. Why did he feel a little… disappointed. "Whatever." He said in an annoyed whisper. He turned towards the door to leave when his shoulder was tapped lightly and he turned around quickly to see.. Fionna.. why was this a disappointment?

"Yo." He scratched the back of his head and looked down at the bubbly blonde girl, who still wore that hat even if she was wearing a dress.. which he had never seen her wear. She liked Bubble gum that much huh? Why did that annoy him? He didn't like her, no way that was out of consideration.. was it because of his hate for the sticky pink creature? Or was it.. "Hey man you okay? You've been standing in the corner like a glob all night.. Go get yo groove on." She said making arm gestures as cake appeared behind her. "Yeah man~" Cake wiggled. "Yo groove."

"Hey guys, not in the mood." Marshal lee turned away from them and Fionna put a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon Marshi-" He said before being cut off by Marshal Lee's scary glare. "Not in the mood." She stepped back as Marshal Lee proceeded to leave. Fionna looked at Cake. "What the glob's his problem." Cake shrugged. "I don't know gurl, but your prince is over there waiting for you so go dance-!" She turned around and looked for the prince. "Where did he go? He was just there!" Cake said in a mater-o'-factually way, or at least it seemed like that.. hearing her voice. Fionna scratched her head. "I donno man." She looked around. and started to search for the prince with cake.

Marshal Lee floated with his head down, lazily flipping it up and down, very consumed by boredom… he wanted to terrorize the candy people, but they were all at that ball and he was a little ways away from it. He kept flopping his hair, his mind leaving behind the whole Gum Ball thing when he suddenly felt his arm grabbed he turned around quickly. "What the g-G-GLOB?!" He shuddered as he came face to face with the "esteemed" prince himself. Why was he here? He seemed to be running, because he was entirely out of breath. He clutched Marshal Lee's wrist in one hand and he bent over, panting. Marshal Lee snatched his arm from Gum Ball and glared, setting on his feet. "What do you want?" He hissed out. Gum Ball finally caught his breath. "Why did you leave?" He frowned. Mashal Lee paused and looked at him blankly. "What was the point of me staying there? That can't be why you came after me." Marshal Lee turned away from him and started to walk away, just then his arm was grabbed again and he twitched with irritation.

"I wanted you there, obviously. I invited you! What the glob man? Not cool." The prince said. Marshal Lee felt a tingling blush spread across his face. He wanted him there? He turned and faced him with wide eyes. "You.. You wanted me there?" He asked in a hushed tone. Gum Ball smiled. "I did." He said quietly. Marshal lee looked confused and the blush held on his face.. wait. Was this some attempt to woo him in and get him to treat Gum Ball. like he was some prince? He snatched his arm away and snarled at him. "Save it." He said bitterly glaring at the prince. "I'm just your problem, why would you want me there?" He growled at him. Marshal Lee didn't like to be toyed with. Bubble gum looked at him calmly. "Who said you were my problem? I like you." That smile never left that face of his.. that annoying face. Marshal Lee blushed again and his lips parted, only a little. He snarled again. He didn't know what to say.. he really.. hated Gum Ball.. didn't he?…Hated… He looked away. "Shouldn't you be attending to your little candy peoples?" He looked back up at Gum Ball, who was shocked a little at his expression.

Gum Ball's expression changed… his eyes softened and narrowed and he placed a hand on the side of Marshal Lee's face. Marshal lee's eyes got wide. "W-What are you.." He said in a soft voice before he felt those plush lips press up against his. He closed his eyes and blushed even harder. What was this?! Why couldn't he push him away!? it was so.. sweet… and soft.. so much sugar.. He felt the Prince's tongue invade his lips and he closed his eyes even tighter. His hands pressed up against the prince's chest. What was this sweet sensation? It was too much for him.. but he couldn't resist it. The prince wrapped his arms around Marshal Lee's waist and Marshal Lee trembled.. he was being toyed with, wasn't he? The prince was a ladies man… He pushed out of the embrace and looked at the prince with very wide eyes. He let out shuddering breaths and everything he wanted to say was locked down in his throat. Without hesitation he ran away. "M-Marshal lee wait!" The prince yelled after the shocked vampire who ran into his small house and pressed his back up against the door with wide eyes. The prince was persistent, and knocked for awhile but finally left.

Marshal Lee held his hands to his mouth and he licked his lips, staring off into space and thinking of that sweet.. sweet kiss. What the hell? His body sank down to the floor and he sat there.. that pink bastard was going to pay.

Marshall Lee X Prince gumball Where stories live. Discover now