part 2. Sweet, Sweet Revenge

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Mehh this took me so long to get out! I have so many ideas and I've rewritten this one thousand times
while I was bored at work. Well it's finally here, sorry for the delay.. expect chapter three much sooner 33 Just for you guys I made it as long as possible so.. I hope its good, please leave reviews, i don't have a lot of free time so the next chapter will be out ASAP.
Thank you for your lovely feed back!

His face..
his skin... those lips...
that taste..

Him. Marshalee couldn't stand that pink BLOB. He wanted to knock him down a few inches.. 6 feet under preferably. He thought he was so high and mighty, that he could do whatever he wanted. "Even.." Marshal Lee thought aloud, pressing two of his fingers to his lips he pressed his tongue against the inside of them, recalling the feeling. He could still taste the sugar... It really pissed him off. He snarled, standing up from where he was in his room and grabbed his aux gutair, throwing it at the wall with force. He groaned and stared down at the floor, his hair draping over his eyes lost in thought. This was no big deal.. why was he so jumpy and irritable about a kiss? It wasn't like it was his first kiss anyways. He just couldn't shake the taste, not even the color red could.

He couldn't spend all day thinking about that, he thought as he slipped on that red and black checkered shirt of his. That would just prove that Gumball won, there couldn't be any other explaination than that- he was just trying to mess Marshal Lee up in the head, that was all, and he wasn't falling for it, he wasn't one of those disgusting minions of his. He pulled on his dark blue jeans, letting out a deep sigh he flipped his hair back, letting it fall in it's usually perfectly messy style. He couldn't let it get to him like it was, Gumball wasn't going to win, and Marshal Lee didn't let anyone mess with him like that.. not him, and not that girl Fionna if that was her point, to get in on that. He'd just kill them all, besides Fionna was a human right? He was sure she'd taste yummy. He snickered evily. He wasn't just about to let Gumball get away with stealing his lips, he was going to get revenge... or so he thought.

Fionna was staring in the mirror, her face slightly flushed, her eyes small and unfocused. "Hey girl, what're you doin?" Cake asked, staring at Fionna, waving one of her"long arms" In front of Fionna's face. "Fionna~?" She asked again, moving her whole body around Fionna's, wrapping it and trying to get her attention. She shrank back down to her original size and stared at her for a moment, then stretched and an arm and slapped her across the face. "Ow!" Fionna cried, putting a hand to her face and holding it. "What the glob was that for?!" she yelled, rubbing her face up and down where the red mark was. "Sorry girl, I thought you were dead.. what's going on with you? You're all.. spacy.." Cake said, unsure how to explain it. "...It's nothing.." She said as a blush sprawled onto her cheeks once again. "It's sumthin'! Tell me!" cake pushed her. It was obvious there was "something" up with Fionna.

"It's nothing.. well.. I just.. I have a date with.." She was too nervous to go on with her words. She didn't seem like the girly type who would care or think too much about boys.. yet she did. Well, that one boy in particular... Gumball. "I mean, it's not a date-!" She tried to say, fidgetting seeing Cake get that.. frisky look on her face. "Ooo-ooh, Prince Gumball? Go get him girl!" She teased. Fionna let out a small giggle. Cake always seemed to make her feel better. "Yeah... you're right. But what if he doesn't like me because I'm young?" She frowned. "Oh go on girl, it'll be all right." Cake convinced fionna before Fionna took a deep sigh and nodded in agreement, smiling. "Yeah, you're right." She looked over at Cake. "Of course I'm right... I'm always right." Cake said, her eyes growing big. "Ew stop it man, that's creepy!" Fionna laughed and wiggled her arms towards Fionna. Cake laughed a little, g lancing over towards the window.

"It's gonna be late pretty soon, we better go kick some evil butt before your date." Fionna coughed and blushed a little. She was hopeful that Gumball took it that way, but.. "It's not a date.. we're just.. hangin'.." She looked out the window and pulled the sword from her side, then held it in a ready position. It was about six.. and she had to meet bubble gum at nine.. Three hours. They were meeting at night, for some reason though Fionna didn't find it too odd.. she was going to dress formally, but still, that wasn't a date, that didn't count.. right? "Let's go Cake!" She yelled, giving a warm smile down to the cat who nodded and launched towards the door. Besides the evil puppy crap they had to deal with, everything was going pretty well.. pretty well for now.

Marshall Lee X Prince gumball Where stories live. Discover now