Part 4.Its called chemistry, my king (Special chapter)

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It wasn't like Marshal Lee couldn't stand the prince to the point where he'd always think about him- no, he had his own problems. Marshal Lee wasn't a drama king or anything of the sort, he was the vampire king; But not everyone could be as perfect as prince Gumball himself, could they? "Marshal Lee, you need to study more. I told you that you won't be able to rule the nitosphere unless you study properly, didn't I?" Marshal Lee's mother asked him. Marshal Lee didn't even look up at her from his guitar though- he didn't give her the time of day. Here Marshal Lee was- thinking about how that annoying prince didn't rule his life or captivate his thoughts- and yet his mind was completely stuck on him. "Marshal Lee!" His mother yelled, smacking the guitar from his hand. Marshal Lee froze for a moment, not responding at the slightest. He simply stayed there for a moment, his mother folding her arms at him. "Marshal Lee, I've been talking to you for the last few minutes, you need to-" His mother began scolding him, but Marshal Lee simply stood up- levitating as he usually would he walked over to the guitar, picking it up. "You never die, right?" Marshal Lee asked as he picked up the guitar, dusting it off with his hand. There was nothing that irritated him more than people messing with his guitar- and the fact that it was his mother made it even worse. Marshal Lee and his mother didn't see eye to eye at all- and he wouldn't even mention his father. "Yes, unless someone kills me which I doubt would happen.. unless it was you! So what?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at him with a smirk on her face at the thought of Marshal Lee well.. doing something evil for once, other than his unnecessary terrorizing of the candy people which he saw as "Evil". "I won't be ruling the nitosphere or killing you yet, so do me a favor." Marshal Lee said, finally facing him his eyes a bright yellow tone. "Until the day you push me so far that I decide I could just kill you, just do your job and leave me out of it." Marshal Lee hissed.

Marshal Lee didn't care much for his mother's disappointed face because it would always have some kind of ulterior motive to it and she'd somehow end up forcing him to do something for her.. which wasn't globbing cool. "But Marshy, I only want the best for you." She told him- her idea of the best at least, having a bunch of minions at her feet. Frankly Marshal Lee didn't desire any of that- he could be the vampire king without it- he was. "Just go to the nitosphere or something and leave me alone." Marshal Lee told her, silence sweeping over the room for a moment before his mother opened a portal and left Marshal Lee alone there. Marshal Lee sighed, looking down at his guitar he swung it back and forth, tossing it onto the floor he walked over to the wall, banging his head softly onto it he groaned. He licked his lips, letting out a soft breath. He found himself- in the midst of all his "problems" thinking of the prince way more than he should have- and yet for what reason? He hadn't seen that stupid, hideous, ugly, irritating, annoying, pink bastard's face since... they got "caught", in a sense. Well, at least- the prince got caught and blamed it on Marshall Lee.. at least, that was what it looked like from Marshal Lee' s point of view.. he was simply a problem.

But he couldn't get that sweet, sweet taste off of his lips.. and it annoyed him.

Marshal Lee stepped out of the shower, pulling on his grey wife beater that he always wore under his red checkered shirt, slipping on jeans along with it. He let out an exasperated sigh, looking down at his watch as he grabbed a towel from the rack in his bathroom, fluffing his hair dry with it. Terrorizing the citizens for some reason- for Marshal Lee, it never seemed to get old. It gave him this kind of rush- and even if it wasn't really /that/ evil, as evil as his parents were, it was to the candy people. He liked the sheer looks of fear on their face when they were terrified of him- in a way, he fed off of it. He had been so obsessive lately- his mind was focusing on nothing but.. /that person/, so something like this.. it would make it much easier, wouldn't it? Marshal Lee walked into his bedroom, picking up his sweater, his eyes glancing out of the window on the side of his house when he heard a knock at the door, startling him slightly Marshal Lee froze there for a moment, staring at the door to see if he had heard right- to see if he had actually heard a knock or if he was just imagining- and the second time, it didn't startle him as much. Marshal Lee looked at the door for a moment, clearing his throat he walked over to it.

Marshall Lee X Prince gumball Where stories live. Discover now