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Dear J,

Our brains work in mysterious ways.

In some ways they're evil.

If you think about, they keep us from talking about bad things.

Like depression or what makes us like that.

But our mouths do another thing.

They go against our brains and say it even when our brain wants us to suffer.

Our mouth does a good thing by over powering what controls everything and makes it stop.

But our tongue does the most important thing.

It makes us talk, our mouth just moves to form the words into shapes.

But our tongue does the the talking.

So with this information I want to thank my tongue for making me speak up and say something.

For make my legs move, and my feet walk.

And go to support groups and the psychologist.

For helping me get on pills to help with my pain.

But I'm not thanking it when it gets me addicted to the pills.

Miss you.


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