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Dear J,

I broke down in the middle of class today.

Some people were talking about how they hate their sister.

How they don't want to go home to them because they don't like them.

I yelled at them.

I said you should love you're sister because not many people have a sister anymore.

I said you should be a shamed.

I said yeah maybe they are annoying at times but you truly do love them.

They laughed at me.

They said that I'm stupid and wouldn't know what it's like to have a sister.

I said I do and she died so you should shut up about hating your sister because they have feeling too and you never know when they might kill themselves.

They said I need mental help.

I agree.

I went to a group thing today.

It was stupid.

I stopped going to it.

I hate people and I hate myself.

Why you ask.

Because I could've been there with you in the car accident.

I should've died not you.

But I guess that's how things work out now a days.

I guess you could say I'm done.

Done with this world.

This life.

I don't want to be here, in a world, with hatred.

Goodbye for now.

Only to say hello to hell.

Miss you.


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