Incest, StudentxTeacher, and TeacherxTeacher *weird, I know* (Rant 3)

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  • Dedicated to Kellin Quinn

Trying to update everyday. Key word "trying". Oh and I don't really edit (I told you I was a hypocrite) so mistakes are probably gonna show up throughout the the whole rant book. Ok, bye now.

  Topic 1. Incest. 

         I can't be the only one that finds this weird. Like I just can't. I don't need an explanation on this one.

  Topic 2. StudentxTeacher Relationships

            Gross gross gross gross gross. Oh yeah, let me bang my teacher and go learn from them the next day. I just. I can't.

  Topic 3. TeacherxTeacher Rumors

               This one is the reason why I started this rant anyway. So at my school, there are these two teachers. They're really good friends so everyone automatically assumes they're together. One, he's like twice her age. Two, their relationship honestly seems like just a friendship (not just saying this because one of them is one of my favorite teachers therefore I find it gross). Three, the way they deny it isn't exactly "I'm denying this because I have to" it's more "Seriously, stop. It isn't real." And it just doesn't seem real. I don't know if I'm being naive and believing my teachers like a little puppy or I honestly trust them. Anyway, I just get so defensive about it and I don't know why. And does it really matter whether or not it's real? Like it's their business. Chill out. But hey, I'm pretty you don't really care about rumors at my school. Um ok. Bye now. Hey, I started off with that!

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