The Real Thing (Rant 1)

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  • Dedicated to Luke Hemmings

         Okay so people have diaries and crap. It just always confuses me why. I mean yeah you need to let it out and tell someone and stuff like that. I do too. But a book that really isn't protected in any way whatsoever? Like really? Anybody could get a hold of that. And then you'd be screwed. There's got to be some other way. Or maybe you could like shred a page a day. But if you don't want anybody to find this stuff why would you keep it there for the world to see? And then you complain when people find it. Or you're really stupid and continue writing in it. Like seriously? I get the whole letting it out thing. I really do. I get the whole I wanna reread thing. I get the whole I'm gonna cherish these memories forever thing. But if I've learned anything it's that you gotta cover your tracks. I sound like a murderer. It just really gets to me when people get all depressed when someone finds their diary. I know I sound all insensitive and stuff but like you were the one that left your diary with a note saying, "Read me!" Man, I got some Alice In Wonderland crap going. And that whole "Read me" thing wasn't literal for some of you out there. I'm just saying next time you write in a diary or start one, think before you write. Some of my mistakes (with diaries for those of you who didn't get it even after this whole thing) have come back and gotten record breaking screams out of me. Excuse my Disney. But yeah. I think I'm done now. Alright. 

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