Chapter 12

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My room is colder this morning than usual and even underneath my thick blankets, a shiver creeps across my body. I sit up and check the time on my phone to see that I woke up before my alarm.

Already up, I decide to throw off the covers and shiver at the sudden burst of cold air that hits my skin. The floor is even colder than the air and my feet wince when they touch the hard wood.

I glance over at my window but the curtains are still tightly shut from when I closed them last night to avoid looking at the woods. The phone call I received runs through my mind and after a moment of hesitation, I realize that keeping them closed because someone warned me to, is ridiculous.

I cross over to the window and throw open the curtains to let in a stream of grey light. In the sky dark grey clouds loom overhead with the threatening promise of rainfall. The dark sky casts shadows onto the forest and I find myself staring out at the green tops of the trees. My mind loses itself in the thought as I watch the slight wind rustles through the branches. It's so peaceful, so calm, and yet someone told me to stay away.

My eyes linger over to the giant oak tree just on the outskirts of the trees. It sits by itself with its bare branches and creaking limbs that sound from the wind. My back aches as I remember the pain I felt when Gypsy threw me off her back by that tree.

I shake my head and turn back to room. Something catches my eye right away and I glance at the empty spot on my wall where Carson helped me hang the heavy mirror the night before. I stare at the spot with confusion and take a step forward to inspect the area, but it's gone.

Quickly I run over to my bed and drop to my knees to search underneath my bed where I hid the black metal box the night before. I let out a breath of relief when I see it's exactly where I left it and stand up. Last night I tried to open the latch but the lock was tightly fastened to the box. I have no idea where I could possibly find a key for it and I never plan to enter the room where I found it ever again to bother searching for one.

I open the door to my bedroom and the creak if makes echoes throughout the large room that opens up outside of my door. I walk over to the banister of the grand staircase and stare down at the marble floor below. My eyes glance over to the large set of double doors that lead to the master bedroom where I found the mirror. How did it go missing?

The whole house seems to be colder today as if Winchester Connecticut has decided to wake up and start to be autumn today. My bare feet slap against the cold floor and I shiver from the contact.

I plan to go to the kitchen to try and find my grandmother and cross through the green dining room, but the moment I step into the dim room I feel someone grab onto my forearm.

I gasp as I'm whirled around and my back slams against the wall. My eyes widen as I stare up at Cecelia. The room we are in is too dark to make-out her shadowed features but I can tell from the grip of her long fingers that she isn't happy.


"You went into that room didn't you?" She interrupts. Her voice is hushed and low as if someone could be listening in on our conversation.

I stare up at her with wide eye, "No I didn't." I lie. The grip of her fingers tightens.

"Don't lie to me Emmaline. Don't you dare." She warns and then lowers her voice even more. She glances from side to side as if to confirm we are alone before speaking. "I saw that thing hanging up in you room this morning." It takes a while to process what she's talking about but then I realize.

I pull my arm away from her grasp. "You took the mirror out of my room?" I accuse her suddenly feeling overpowered with rage. She went into my room and stole the mirror that I found before hiding somewhere off in this huge mansion. What I do is none of her business and I'm sick of her overreacting about that stupid room.

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