Chapter 14

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I stretched my arms above my head while I laid down on the floor. Wait. Why am I on the floor?

I quickly sat up and smacked my head on the bottom of Jacob's bed.

Oh yeah, I'm in Jacob's room. My confusion went away and I looked over to see a peacefully sleeping Jacob in his bed.

I stood up off the floor and looked down at him. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. Almost as if he was... normal.

He started to stir and I didn't want him waking up while his sister was staring at him so I quickly backed away from his bed.

I grabbed my mother's diary from under my pillow and started to walk to the door when I heard Jacob grumble something in his sleep. A smile creeped onto my face as I saw how cute he was but wait. Jacob doesn't talk anymore, or even move very much. But in his sleep right now he is doing both.

My chest hurt as I realized that maybe he just didn't want to talk to me, to help me. But Dr. Stevens said that he had a real condition. Maybe he isn't depressed in his sleep. Maybe.

I sighed and walked out the door carefully shutting it behind me so not to wake Jacob.

I was about to take the servant stairs to my room when I realized that I could just take the main stair. I turned around and started to walk out to where the party was last night and heard my grandmother yelling at people where to put her things. I smiled as my small grandmother ran around barking orders to big men.

She looked really tired with bags under her eyes and a coffee cup in her hand. I wondered how late the party even went.

My head started to hurt as I tried to recall what happened at the party.

Then I felt like throwing up when I remembered everything that happened from Luke saying he liked me to kissing then slapping and the girl. I shivered as I thought of the girl that haunted my dreams last night. The way she smiled and laughed at me with hatred so deep it was scary.

"Put that over here!" I heard my grandmother command. I smiled and started to walk out of the hallway when I started to hear a knocking noise.

It was really faint and I thought I only imagined it when the sound became louder. I took another look down to the main room and back to where the noise was coming. Eventually my curiosity got the best of me and I started to follow the knocking.

I went through a few hallways and around some twist and turns until the knocking got even louder. It isn't even knocking anymore but more of a hitting sound, like someone was banging on something.

After one more turn I was in another dark hallway lined with big wooden doors, but this hallway had a door at the end of it that was shaking.

I stumbled back as I realized that the thumping was coming from behind that door.

Turning around and running seems like my best option at the moment but for some reason I couldn't move. All I could do was move forward. Slowly I made my way to the end of the hall.

I gasped as the door started to rattle as if something was behind it pounding on it. But I still found myself going forward.

What is wrong with me? I should be running away not going closer toward the door rattling off its hinges. But I just had to see what was on the other end, even if I didn't want to see it, my feet had a different idea.

Without thinking I grabbed the door knob of the door that was now shaking violently. I whimpered as I want nothing more than to turn around and run, but in my head I didn't want to.

Before I knew what I was doing I ripped open the door and took a giant step back.

I expect something to run out and tackle me to the ground before killing me but instead I got a normal closest full of boxes.

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