Chapter 23/ Epilouge

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I hear beeping's. They motionlessly go off. I count the seconds. 1,2,3,4 beep.

I try to flutter open my eyes but they feel heavy. My head falls to the side and someone else in the room quickly shifts their position. I don't move again though and let out a loud sigh.

For the second time in my life I'm waking up in a hospital with critical wounds, but unlike last time, I know why I'm here.

I muster all my strength and open my eyes. They flutter open like lazy butterfly wings. Everything turns in a blur as I try to focus. Another white room that looks too perfectly sterile. A hand clasps mine. I squeeze and my eyes focus. Luke looks at me with his brown eyes. Worry is etched in his features along with tiredness.

"You're awake." He brushes a strand of hair from my face. "I should get someone." I hold tight to his hand.

"No don't." I know the process and I know that the police will be here shortly to ask questions and I won't have time to sleep in a long time. I sink back into my pillow as he sits back down. I instantly feel myself doze off.

The next time my eyes open it is easier to snap them open. I stare around the room and try to sit up when the whole world starts to spin. I'm pushed back down. "Emma don't." I hear Luke whisper. How long has he been here?

I hear another voice outside the door in the hallway. "She needs rest." Cecelia says.

"She's rested for days. We need to ask her questions." She peeks into the room and glances at Luke. He quickly looks down at me.

"Here's the story that you need to tell. You went home after seeing Jacob to a robbery that went wrong. You were tied up, beat and stabbed by the intruder." I would nod my head if it didn't hurt so bad. He sits back down in his chair as a police officer walks in with an angry Cecelia trailing close behind.

"Hello Emmaline, I'm Officer Malcom. If you don't mind I need to ask you some questions from the other night." I go on to explain what Luke told me to. Every so often Cecelia would shake her head from behind the officer's back telling me I was saying the wrong thing.

When I'm done he snaps shut his folder that he had been scrawling notes. "Well everything is seeming to add up. Of course we will ask more questions later, but for now rest." Just as he leaves the doctor walks in. She smiles her fake smile. She takes a look at the clip board at the end of my bed.

"Nasty fall you had Emmaline. Pushed down the stairs." She says more to herself. She looks back up at me and adjusts her glasses on her nose. "If you don't mind I would like to look at the stitches." For a moment I don't know what she is talking about. She rolls down my blanket and lifts up my nightgown. Suddenly my stomach feels heavy. Nine stitches poke out like a doll with a ripped seam being sewed back together. I am about to run my fingers over them just to check if they are real, but the doctor takes my hand away. "Don't touch them. We want them to stay clean for now." She covers me back up. "I will be back later on to check on you." She smiles once more and leaves.

I look up to Cecelia for answers. "You have a concussion, bruised ribs, a stab wound, and internal bleeding from being a supernatural punching bag." It suddenly adds up why my body feels like I got hit by a truck. Cecelia bends down eye level and grabs my hand. She presses it to her forehead and sighs. "What happened?"

I think about it for a few seconds before it comes to me. "My grandfather and mother saved me. She brought the man who started all of this. He apologized." She looks up.

"I knew she wouldn't leave without a fight." She smiles at the thought of my mother.

"Is it over?" I ask hesitantly. I might not want to know the answer.

"Yes, I think so." My muscles finally begin to relax. A nurse suddenly hustles through the door. She goes over and checks my monitors. She is about to leave when she spots Luke.

"Visiting hours are now over. Only family members allowed" Luke flashes her his signature smile. I see her eyes widen and she blushes.

"I'm her boyfriend. I think that deserves a little more credit than a friend. Therefore I should stay." He smiles again and she bites her lip.

"I'll let it go this time." She hustles out of the room once more.

I'm too caught up on what he said. I look up at him with a confused look. Boyfriend? He looks down and smiles at me. I let the idea sink in. I like it. Despite everything and the way it hurts my face muscles, I return his smile.


8 Months Later


We all pile out of Carson's truck. Marisa drove her car too now that our group has doubled in size and we need more than one vehicle. I hear birds that sound like seagulls swaking in the distance along with the sounds of people talking at the burger joint we are at.

Luke slings his arm around my shoulder and holds me close. I'm pushed against his hard chest. I melt into him and instantly feel safe. No matter what happens I am constantly reminded that I am broken, but he seems to fix me.

Marisa has softened up on me slightly, but she still flinches and glares every time Luke and I touch. A constant reminder that she will never be my friend. Penelope skips up beside me and links our arms. She's my best friend. That night drew us closer.

Carson walks with his girlfriend. She is pretty with sandy blonde hair and light freckles that spatter her face. He smiles at me and I smile back.

I stop dead in my tracks when I realize we're missing someone. "Relax I'm right here." I turn to see Jacob already leaning against the side of the building. Him and Luke do their guy punch to each other and laugh. Months without hearing him laugh and I still feel relief every time he talks. Luke walks in ahead of me.

"I'll get us a spot." He kisses my forehead. He then runs in after Carson.

"Will you stop worrying for me?" Jacob asks. "I already have grandma watching me for the past nine months because she still thinks I'm suicidal." I shiver. We both know that he isn't suicidal. Just caught up in a curse.

"I'll back off, I promise." He smiles at me and stands up straight. Over the past months I have noticed him filling out. His muscles have grown since his days in his wheel chair along with his looks sharpening. As if on cue a girl glances over and catches his attention. He smiles over at her and she blushes. I roll my eyes. "You have to stop hanging out with Luke." I groan.

"Why would someone stop hanging out with me? I'm awesome." he says appearing out of nowhere.

"You can't call yourself awesome, its lame." Jacob responds. I laugh as Luke rolls his eyes.

We sit down at a booth and wait for our waitress to come with the drinks that everyone has already ordered. I look around my table to watch everyone. Marisa texts on her phone while Penny and Carson's girlfriend giggle. Jacob winks over at the girl he saw when we came in and Carson rolls his eyes. Raven is stacking her forks along with everyone else's in order to make a sculpture.

"I call it art."

"I call it forks. This one is mine." Luke grabs one and the creation topples down. She sends him a glare and begins to rebuild.

Luke wraps one arms around my chair. I look around once more and for the first time in a long time I actually feel normal. I like the feeling. And then I smile.



Hey Guys!

So this is just a short chapter to clear everything up.

I just want to say thank you for everyone that has taken the time to read this book. This was my very FIRST book and it was a struggle to learn how to write and balance it with school and all the other activities I'm in. Never the less I loved doing and will be writing more books. So if you have read this book from beginning to end you most likely know that I suck at authors


Be sure to check it out! It's on the very first chapter before chapter 1

Once again thank you guys so much!


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