Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sounds of screaming and cheering. I slowly lifted myself up off a wooden floor just in time to look out the window and see the black girl get hung. I winced as I stared at the horrible scene for the second time. People cheered, pumping their pitchforks and touches into the air while screaming in triumph. The girl slowly swayed back and forth as her eyes stayed permanently opened to what was being played out in front of her. I felt a sudden pang of pity for her and wondered if she is really a witch like the people say.

I looked around to where I was and sucked in a deep breath when I saw that I was in the kitchen of my house, only it wasn't my house. It's older and has old equipment along with different decorations and furniture. I turned back out to the window to see the leader stayed at the front of the crowd, cheering his group in their victory.

"No!" I heard the shrill cry of someone nearing the crowed.

"It's too late women." The leader shrugged his hand. "She is dead. A daughter for the life of two."

I turned to see the other girl screaming and almost broke down crying myself. The face that haunted my dreams and came around me just to make me crazier than I already am. The face so full of hate was now washed away with pure sadness as I stared at the black girl I had been seeing since the accident. She was wearing a white night gown, obviously just woken up, and I remembered her from the first time I saw this. She was crying next to the grand stairs as the other girl was taken outside.

"She was innocent!" She seethed through her teeth. "My daughter was no witch you fools!" Her daughter?

Her eyes glanced up to her daughter's lifeless body and she shrugged to her knees, defeat playing in her eyes. She sat down and sobbed, her shoulders shaking. I felt bad for her. How could this be the woman that hates me?

Suddenly she stopped crying. She slowly stood up and as she did so the crowd grew silent. "A daughter for two you may say, but you see my daughter was no witch." She spat out at the men. Even though the first time I watched this I was outside and now I'm inside, I can still make out what she is saying.

"Then who is the witch the witch that killed my daughter and Lord Thalamus's?" He asked matter of factly.

The women cackled a dry laugh and bared back her teeth. "Why I did my good gentleman." She turned to her daughter's body and uttered a few words that I couldn't hear while the crowd started to understand what she said.

"She is performing witch craft. Get her!" The man shouted when he caught on to what she was doing. But it was too late. The woman already was running towards the house.

"She be comin inside." I quickly turned at the sound of a new voice. Two girls walked into the kitchen in a hurry. One of them rushed over to the sink and opened the cabinet under it. She felt around to the back until she pulled out a folded blanket. She placed it on the table and unrolled it to revealing several animal bodies, bones, and other creepy things. I gagged and covered my nose as the smell reached me.

I looked at both girls to see that they were both black as well and wearing maids uniforms. "Go open the door for 'er." The older girl barked at the younger one, they looked like sisters. The younger one nodded her head and quickly ran from the room to return a few moments later with the girl in the white dress.

She was breathing hard and out of breath by the time she got to the kitchen. It was weird to see her without the blood on her face and the hate in her eyes, also the fact that she couldn't see me.

"Vivien, light the candles." She said in a rushed voice to the older girl. I was surprised to hear how normal her voice sounded. Vivien went to the next room and ran back in with a few black and red candles that she set on the table in a circle. "Get me the book Adisa." She said to the younger girl who disappeared and then returned with an ancient book. She placed it on the table. "Now I need you to cover all the mirrors in the house except that one." She pointed to the one hanging to the right of the table and my heart stopped. The same mirror is sitting on the floor of my closet back in my time. The mirror I saw the other black girl, the one that got hung.

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