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On my way to class, my bestfriend Sydney ran up to me.

"Oh my gosh! Guess what just happened to me!"

"Um..let me guess. You and Kenny finally told eachother you like one another, you guys go out now, and you had your first kiss?" She looked at me with a blank expression.

"Sometimes I think your totally phychic..." I know she was a little irritating with me getting everything right before she tells me, but I can't help it! I'm just good at guessing things. We walked to Social Studies class and I took my seat in the back row of the class, while Syd took her seat in the front row. Ricky was in this class too, but he skips sometimes. Right, when I was getting relaxed Ricky and his crew walked in. They include Benny, Leo, and Phil. Out of all of them, Benny is the only one that pickes on me.

"Hey, mute! You're in my seat." I looked at him then back at my stuff on my desk. I'm just going to ignore him, especially since he keeps calling me mute.

"Are you deaf? Get up!" He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me up. Before I got to look at him, Ricky had him by the collar on the wall.

"Don't you dare put your hands on a girl, EVER." Everyone was staring now, I couldn't really blame them, but they don't have to be that nosy.

"Dude, you're really going to do this because of a girl?" Ricky leaned to Benny ear and whispered something.

"Fine." Benny pushed Ricky's hands off of him and walked towards me.

"You can sit there, mute..." He took the other seat in front of Ricky. I looked at Ricky, but he wouldn't look back, Me being disappointed won't change anything, I'm going to have to talk to him.


After class, I waited by the door for Ricky to pass. When he did pass I grabbed his arm.

"Uhhh..Ricky..do you think we can talk?" He looked me deeply in my eyes before he spoke.

"Yea, but not now. At lunch, okay?" I nodded and walked away. I stopped by the bathroom and when I entered I saw the same cheerleaders that Ricky was with this morning. Once they saw me they began snickering and making noises. I entered the stall and quickly got out after the lights shut off and I heard the door close. Why did they have to be so immature? I got out the bathroom and turned the light back on before I walked out. The next two periods when by smoothly and fast. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Which meant, the talk...with Ricky. Sydney and I were walking to lunch still deciding on what we should eat.

"Ohh, maybe I should get a pita sandwich."

"Syd, these pita sandwiches are not that good."

"True, what are you getting?"

"A garden salad with apple slices and crushed pecans." Being a vegetarian wasn't as hard as people think. All you have to do it avoid meat.

"You are the only person I know that can make vegetarian food sound so good!!" I looked at her in disbelief.

"Its basically what anyone eats, it's not necessarily, 'vegetarian food'...."

"Okay, Miss Emotionally Unstabled." I laughed at Syd's newest nickname for me. We took our seats at our table and began eating. In the middle of eating our food, Syd made a big O shape with her mouth and looked behind me.

"Carla, Ricky is standing behind you." I almost completely forgot about the talk. I turned around and looked at Ricky, who happened to be smiling ear-to-ear at me. I made a puzzled look.

"Oh, hey Ricky...you can sit down, if you want." Sydney was looking at us repeatedly. We gave her a 'please go away so we can talk' look. She finally caught on and left while giving me a noticeable wink. Ricky sat down and stared at me.

"Why?" That's all I could come up with. It seemed so wrong to confront him about defending me after he helped me, but when I think about it, it comes back to the first day he stopped being my friend. He made fun of me infront of his friends and was just being plain mean. Tears welled up and my eyes and I quickly wiped them away with my napkin.

"What's wrong?" I hid my face and tried to talk.

"Nothing.." My voice cracked at the end of the word making Ricky come closer to me. He held me in his arms while I cried on his shoulder. People were looking, but I didn't care one bit. Ricky started caressing his hands through my hair while holding me close. I looked at him and he looked at me. At that moment, nothing seemed more important than this moment. Me and Ricky. Ricky and I. Those words were all I wanted to hear from now on.

"Ricky, I love you." My eyes widened. Did I just say that out loud? I'm sure Ricky heard me, but what if he didn't? I snuck a look at him and saw a smile on his face. He took me in his arms and kissed my hair. Across, from us I saw those cheerleaders watching intensively. The head cheerleader was eyeing me menacingly then made a devilish smile. She walked away with her gang following behind her.

"What's up with those cheerleaders?"

"Oh, well...the head cheerleader, Madison, likes me and is always trying to hook up. I keep telling her no, but she just pushes up harder." He smirked when he saw jealousy written all over my face.

"I love you too Carla. I've never stopped since the first day we met." He smiled and kissed me soft on the lips. We were rudely interrupted by the bell announcing that lunch was over. Me and Ricky got up together. He held my hand walking me to all my classes. By the end of school, Sydney catches up with me and was surprised to see me and Ricky's fingers intertwined together. I winked at her and she waved then ran to her car. Ricky walked with me to our apartment and we talked the whole way there.

"So your telling me that you told your sister that you loved me for the longest, but was to scared to tell me?"

"Well yeah, I couldn't tell you Carla. I was sure that you hated me." I looked at him in disbelief.

"You really think that I could hate you? Sure, I was pretty upset and sad that you were being a jerk, but I still loved you...You just forgot about me, your best friend...." I held my head down because I didn't want him to see my face. He touched me chin an pulled it up so I was looking at him.

"Carletta Martinez. I never forgot about you. I thought about you every second of everyday." He kissed my lips and made me lose all control in my knees. I almost fell to the ground, but Ricky's strong arms kept me up.

"Ricky, I can't wait till we tell Alexa and Lexi!!!!" I kissed him some more and raced him home.

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