And You must be....

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~~~~~~~~~1 Month Later~~~~~~~~~

Ricky and I have been watching our backs. We didn't know what could happen since the conflict. Besides all that chaos, me and Ricky have never felt more connected. I got a laugh out of thinking about labeling us as "connected." I've gotten mean glares from the head cheerleader, Melissa, all month but didn't really pay any minds though. She wasn't that important to me at this time.

"Baby, you want to go to a party tonight?" Ricky was driving to our complex in his new black escalade truck that Lexi decided to buy him to keep us safe. It had tented windows and was bullet proof.

"Are you sure it's gonna be okay?" He knew when I said okay that I instantly meant safe.

"Yea, it's safe there." He intertwined our fingers together and kissed the back of my hand.

"I still don't know why Lexi got you this expensive truck. Where did all this money come from?" I had a idea of where the money came tron actually, but I didn't want to bring any sad memories up for Ricky.

"After my dad died, he let Lex keep the trust funds safe. She was very good at it, still is actually. I have plenty put away for college and loads for the things I need. Lex doesn't let me spend it all at once because she knows how fast money disappears..." My guess was right, Ricky's dad inherited in a lot of money and saved most of it. They could've moved into a big house and have a better lifestyle, but Ricky's dad didn't want to have his kids thinking life was that easy. I'm actually glad that Ricky's dad didn't have them move because now I have Ricky. Ugh! How selfish do I sound?

"What should I wear?" I don't know why I asked Ricky, he was only going to say is ask Alexa or Lexi. Instead, he looked me up and down.

"Maybe something easy to take off..." My cheeks were getting redder and redder by the second. I hid my face by making my hair into a sheet to block Ricky from seeing my face. I heard him groan loudly.

"Come on Carletta, you know I love to see your face. Especially when you blush." I blushed even harder-if it was even possible. We finally arrived to the complex and I ran into my door, non stop blushing. Alexa walked up to me smiling and crying.

"Alex, what's the matter?" I walked up to her and held her, then she started giggling in my arms.

"Welcome home, auntie." I starting smiling extra hard.

"Oh my gosh Alexa, your pregnant! Does Josh know?" She frowned.

"No, but I'm sure he will be happy when I tell him." She smiled again and hugged me tightly.

"Well, I have to get ready for a party with Ricky." She beamed like today was her lucky day.

"Take a shower, wash your hair, and plug in your curling irons. I will get your outfit ready and do your hair and makeup. Awww, Carletta you know this is your first party?" I rolled my eyes and went to my room and grabbed my towel. I slipped my clothes off and turned on the shower water, letting it be more cool than warm. I do this everytime I wash my hair, since I heard washing your hair with cool water stimulates your scalp better. I got in and washed myself first. After that short process, I washed my hair with a Herbal Essence shampoo and conditioner. Apparently it help toussel my hair to make it look like a cute mess. When I got out the shower, I looked in the mirror and was highly impressed by the way my hair looked. I love how my hair looked after I'm done washing it, but this time my hair has small curls at the ends. When I went back into my room I saw a outfit already out for me. I instantly smelled the curling irons and as I went into Alexa's room I saw jewelry and makeup scattered everywhere.

"Dude, this party isn't that serious." Alexa looked at me with an outraged look.

"How can you say that? This is your first party! You have to look absolutely perfect!" She has most definitely gone nuts. She basically dragged me to my room to put on my makeup. A little foundation, liquid eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, and lip stick. I felt like a human barbie doll. She then took me to the bathroom and patted my hair completely dry with my towel. After that, she curled my hair in small pieces. It took about thirty minutes to do my hair and makeup all together. Next we had my clothes. I put on some lace under clothes and let Alexa think if she liked her outfit that she chose. I tried on the red v-neck top that should some cleavage. Now she was deciding on if I should wear some skinny jeans or a mini skirt.

"Uhhh...I like the jeans." She looked at me then gave me the mini skirt to put on. I groaned and put the skirt on. "What shoes am I going to wear with this outfit?" She suddenly smiled and disappeared into her room. After a couple of minutes she came out with a pair of shiny red stilettos that complimented my legs nicely.

"These are my favorite shoes. Mess them up and I will get you." I put them on and I stood about three inches taller making me look 5'7. She then handed me a necklace that was covered in diamonds. "This was mom's necklace." A tear rolled down her eye from the thought of our mother who died in a freak car accident. I put the necklace on like it was a fragile vase that I didn't want to break. Then I put on my own diamond studded earrings. Alex brought me to the mirror to finally look at myself. I looked beautiful. The outfit showed my hourglass frame making me think of Ricky's face when he sees me.

"I look amazing Alex. Thank you." I gave her a big bear hug and didn't met go until I heard Ricky knock at my door. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. Ricky eyes were extremely wide when he saw me.

"Wow, Carla. You look.....beautiful." I smiled and blushed. He waved at Alexa and we headed for the truck. Getting in was going to be a major challenge. Heels and climbing was not a good combination. Ricky must have read my mind because when I was going to attempt to jump into the seat, Ricky used my butt as a chance to lift me into my seat. I blushed and sat comfortable then put my seat belt on. Ricky hopped in and started the car. He put his seatbelt on, then drove off.

"Who's party are we attending?" Ricky looked me then looked at the road with a huge grin.

"All I can say is, since your wearing that I'm going to have to be by your side the whole time." He winked then I blushed again.

"Is it on of your 'friends' parties?" He knew whenever I said friend I meant people from his gang.

"In a best friend who is in the gang too, his brother is hosting the party. His name is Tony, he's about 19 or 20." I hope this party goes well. I'm mentally thanking Alexa for having me wear this outfit because Ricky will stay by me side the whole night. He would regardless, but now he has an excuse that won't make him look whipped. I always tell him I have him whipped, but he says it's the other way around. PPSSSHH, he wish!! We arrived to the party fifteen minutes later and Ricky helped me jump out the car, not letting anything pop out. We weren't really trying to make me the next Snooki, well the drunk and uncaring version. We went in the house hand-in-hand and his friend, who I'm guessing is Tony, came up to him ans did their little hand shake routine.

"Hey Ricky! Glad you could make it. And who is she?" I held rocky closer while images of the scene in the alley popped in my mind.

"This is my girlfriend, Carletta." Ricky kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear. "Everything is okay, I got you, baby." I relaxed as soon as I heard them words escape his lips.

"Well, hello there Carletta." I smiled politely and shook his hand. Ricky walked me to the kitchen where there were drinks- vodkas, margaritas, tequila, beer, chasers, etc. Ricky got himself a cold beer, not asking me if I wanted anything.

"Ricky, I'm thirsty." He looked at me with those sparkling hazel eyes.

"You want some of this?" He pointed to all of the liquor on the counter and I noded. From the look on his face he didn't want me to drink, but let me anyways. He let me chose what I wanted. This would be my first time drinking- liquor anyways. I chose a beer like him, he kind of looked relieved when he saw my choice.

"This is my first time drinking Ricky."

"I know," He smiled and looked in my eyes. "I know everything about you." He used to know everything about me, but rungs have changed. I changed.

"Then lets play...the questions game." His eyebrows had risen. "You want me to start?" He boded in response. "What's my favorite specific animal?"

"Peace of cake! Tiny teacup Maltese." That was correct and he knew it. I love teacup yorkies; they are so small and adorable. Besides that, I couldn't believe Ricky remembered it.

"When did I have my first kiss?" Shoot! I used to know this answer because I would taunt him about it. A girl that bullied him stole his first kiss and made him be her boyfriend! The thought of it made me remember automatically.

"April 1st! That girl planted a wet one on you!" Ricky was so embarrassed that he actually blushed. He turned his head away from me, until we saw Tony staring at me. He looked drunk, but I didn't say anything.

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