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Tyler Joseph lived in a small town house with his mom. His dad lived with them, but he was a drunk and never stayed home. When he did, there would be holes in the walls the next morning. Tyler's room was fairly small, but big enough for him to be able to live in it.

It was midnight on a Friday, and Tyler was sitting up in his bed, alone, like every night. He had tears falling from his eyes, because his thoughts had been too much for him to bare.

He walked quietly over to his keyboard. Tyler started tapping random keys until a cord came out of what he was playing. He began to think of lyrics that sounded okay with the cords.

I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath.
I'm a goner, somebody catch my breath.
He couldn't think of anymore. He had written down the words on a paper near by, and stuck it in a drawer with familiar notes.

He began to walk to his bathroom connected to his room. He opened the medicine cabinet and opened the empty pill bottle on the shelf. Inside was a razor from a pencil sharpener he had in screwed recently. He held it between his fingers before he had decided to put it up against his wrist.

There was a loud bang on the front door.

"Shit he's home." Tyler said to himself, throwing the razor back in the bottle, and slid under his bed sheets as fast as he could, knowing if he was pretending to be asleep would keep his dad from hitting him that night.

Tyler heard his door creak open, and close quickly with a slam. His father was drunk again.

He leaned his ear up against the door, to hear his father yelling.

"Why the hell aren't the dishes washed! Why are you slacking! If you aren't going to do it I'll wake up the fag and make him do it." His father threatened his mother.

Tyler's dad had called him a fag often. He was gay, but he has never told anyone about it. He especially would never tell his father.

He heard his door open again.

"Tyler get your lazy ass out of bed. Your mother and I are going out. If you don't clean this house you will regret it." His father threatened.

Tyler nodded, knowing where they were going was to do drugs, and drink.

He made his way downstairs, starting the dishes. When he heard a knock at the door.

A/N: ayyyy so I decided to start writing another joshler fic. I'm only putting up one chapter today because I'm really tired. Hope you enjoyed!

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