Chapter 6

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Sorry this is so shot! I am once again being kicked off the computer. 

IMPORTANT: I start school again tomorrow so I most likely won't be uploading every day because it's my last year of highschool and it's going to take up a lot of my time. 

Love you all!




“Vas Happenin Nialler!” Zayn’s voice rung through the flat. “HANNAH!!!” he shouted, engulfing her in a tight hug. I groaned. Not again! They’re crushing my fragile girlfriend. I pulled him off of her. “Try not to kill my girlfriend Zayn!” I glared at him.

“Loosen up Nialler, I wasn’t going to hurt her!” He smiled at me, and turned to Hannah. “Han, it’s great to have you here.”

*Liam’s P.O.V.*

“Zayn? I thought you’d be with Harry and Louis…” I said to him, with confusion again taking over my features.

“Nah…” he chuckled. “I wanted to give them some time alone so they could fix things… Oh and congrats! Louis told me you two were together.” He smiled wide at me. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Finally after all this time, right Li?” Niall smiled at me. After the first kiss I shared with Louis, I finally had the guts to tell Niall about all my feelings towards Louis.

“Yea, but Jay’s gonna freak when you guys tell her you’re together.” Zayn chuckled and Niall joined in. I looked at them in confusion.

“What? Why would she freak??” I asked, afraid of the answer. Why did everyone know?

“She never really like you Liam… she thinks you’re too serious and uptight…” Zayn said and bit his bottom lip. My heart dropped. Of course Lou didn’t want to tell her, he didn’t want to disappoint her.

“Yea and not to mention, controlative.” Niall said while shrugging his shoulders.

“B-but that’s not true… I’m not any of those things… right?” I said, looking up at the boys.

“well…” they both corused uneasily. I was trying to hold back my emotions. Louis deserves someone fun and easygoing… not someone like me. My best mates though I was controlative and uptight. That’s it! I’m tired of everyone saying that about me!

“But she just said that because she thought you were hiding something! It’s not like she hates you Liam…” Niall said quickly.

“I was trying to hide something! I was trying to hide the fact that I was helplessly in love with one of my best mates since the day we got put together as a band!” I shouted and stormed out of the apartment. I just need some time to think. If I was going to impress Jay, then I needed to change… a lot.

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

Louis and I were sitting at Milkshake City just talking and laughing like old times. I smiled at him. “I missed you Boo…” I said softly. He looked at me and smiled.

“I missed you too Haz… I’m glad we’re fine again…” I missed seeing that crooked grin all the time. That mischevious glint in his eyes always present. I finally have my best friend back and a loving boyfriend. Life can’t be even better.

“I guess I owe you an explanation though… right?” I asked him, smiling a bit.

“Only if you want… I’m not mad at you anymore Haz… Liam helped me through it… if you and Zayn love each other, then I’m fine with it…” he smiled and patted my hand gently on the table.

How could he be so amazing? Usually he would throw a fit if he didn’t know the reason to everything… I guess Liam’s good for him after all. “So you fancy Liam now huh? You guys are nothing alike…” I chuckled.

“Hey, opposites attract Harry.” He winked and chuckled. “He’s really loving and he stuck by my side these two months… and seriously Haz… have you seen his adorable face? And those gorgeous eyes and his sexy body. The way he cares about everyone he meets… and how organized he is? He’s---“

I cut him off with my eyes wide in confusion, “Whoa Lou… do you fancy him or do you love him?” I chuckled. He blushed hard. Holy!! He was in love with Liam! I smiled wide. “You love him?!”

“I’m not sure yet Harold! Keep your voice down!” He whisper shouted frantically, with a look of horror across his face as he looked around the place to see if anyone heard.

I smirked, “you totally love him Boo… but why are you acting so frantic? Aren’t you planning to tell everyone about you two?” I asked as the smirk faded. He shook his head.
“You know how my mum feels about him… I need her to accept and love him before I tell her that he’s my boyfriend… it’s not as easy as it was with you… hell, our mum’s were already planning our wedding before we came out.” He chuckled again. “Listen… Liam’s gonna get worried if I don’t get back soon… we’ve been out for three hours already.” My eyes widened.

“THREE HOURS?!!” I shouted, standing up quickly. “Zayn’s going to throw a fit at me.” I sighed heavily. “Let’s go boo.”

He got up and we strolled back to the flat quickly, ocassionally stopping to sign some autographs and take quick pictures.

We finally stepped into Liam’s flat to see him and Zayn watching a movie. Zayn… he was so gorgeous. Just sitting there with an amused look on his flawless face. His deep brown eyes glued to the screen while he was biting down gently on his bottom lip. His fingers were twidling against his knees. His hair, perfectly styled up into his signature quiff. I couldn’t help but let the stupid grin invade my face.

“HONEYS, WE’RE HOOME!!!” Louis shouted causing both their heads snap at us. 

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