Chapter 25

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Hey everyone! 

I'm really, truly sorry that I haven't uploaded in a long time. Life has been pretty crazy between exams and doctor visits. I will have to be operated on soon so I might not be uploading as much OR I might be uploading more often, who knows. 

On a much lighter note, when votings start up

Please vote for me on @1DWattyAwards and @1DSummerAwards !! It would mean loads to me :)

Love you All! And I hope you enjoy the chapter! It was really rushed though. 

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

It’s been a total of 8 days since we came to Ireland. I absolutely love it here, the people are so welcoming and funny. I understand why Niall is so proud to be from here, it’s amazing. But today we’re finally boarding the plane back home. Liam has been having a lot of mood swings lately. I guess it’s just because he misses Lou…

I sighed heavily as I pushed myself up off the couch and hauled my lazy body up the stairs. I walked in to see Liam staring at the wall. I cocked my head to the side in confusion as I gazed at him. He didn’t even react when I snapped my fingers in front of his face. Shrugging my shoulders, I turned back to my suitcase and began gathering my belongings, messily stuffing them into it. A sudden pressure against my hips startled me out of my concentration, making my heart race.

“How bout you pack your bags later love?” Zayn’s husky voice sounded softly in my ear, his breath tickling my skin causing a shiver to run down my spine. I turned in his arms to face him and smacked his chest gently.

“You frightened me  Z…” I pouted while looking up at him with glistening eyes. He rolled his hazel eyes and pressed his soft, plump lips softly to mine.

“Don’t be such a drama queen Hazza…” he smirked and squeezed my bum lightly. I bit down on my bottom lip, trying to restrain a slight moan. I saw his smirk broaden as he leaned in closer, his eyes fluttering shut. I closed the distance between us, hungrily pressing my lips to his. It has been a whole week and we haven’t had more than a simple peck on the lips. Don’t get me wrong, I love Liam but taking care of him for a whole week is pretty annoying when I wanted to spend my break with my lovely boyfriend.

My back hit the soft matress as the weight of Zayn on my body pushed me down. I ran my hands through his hair, pulling him into a deeper, more passionate kiss. His slim fingers roamed my body before beginning to unbutton my trousers. Impatient much? I chuckled into our kiss and flipped us over on the bed so now I was on top of him. I broke the kiss for a couple of seconds to pull my shirt off quickly, instantly attatching them to Zayn’s again. His lips are my drugs, once I taste them, I can’t stop. It’s like we’re the only people in the world… that is until I heard a door open and a loud gasp.

“Shit, guys! I’m so sorry!” Liam’s voice rung out. I groaned as Zayn pushed me off his body. Anger bubbled inside me as I glared at Liam.

“Damn it Liam! Can’t you just leave us the fuck alone for a while?! Because you’re such a fucking girl I had to take care of you all fucking week! Don’t you think I deserve some privacy with my bloody boyfriend?! No wonder Louis doesn’t love you! You’re always trying to get into people’s business!” I shouted at him, my words coming out harsh and in the heat of the moment. My chest was rising and falling sharply as I had ran out of breath. My eyes widened frantically as I realized what I had said. Liam stormed out of the room with tears streaming down his face uncontrollably. It took me a moment to get my body to cooperate with me after shocking myself about what I said. I could feel Zayn’s heavy glare fixed on me. He stood up to go after Liam, I assume, but I got up and ran past him. I ran downstairs, searching for Liam. He was pulling things out of his suitcase, obviously searching for something… somethingn sharp. I ran to him, grabbing his arm.

“Li I didn’t-“ I began apologizing, only to be slammed against a wall. I felt an excrutiating pain in my back as I was roughly tossed against it. Liam’s forearm was pressed against my throat, making my breathing shallow and irregular from the lack of air. His angry face was suddenly very close to mine, angry brown eyes staring into my frightened jade ones. I hadn’t even realized tears were streaming down my face.

“You’re just a little sex driven prick Harold. You’re the one that’s unloveable… not me. Zayn probably just feels lonely, that’s why he’s with you. You think you’re all that but you’re not. Louis got over his feelings for you in a week! He just didn’t want to seem like a whore, running off with me right after you two broke up. I don’t understand why Zayn’s with you. You’re just a bastard, a filthy piece of dirt. He deserves better than you.” He sneered, releasing me from his grip, storming out of the house. I’ve never seen him so angry… and he’s 100% right… Zayn does deserve better. I slid down the wall with my knees up to my chest and sobbed into my knees.

Why did I say those things to him?

Why was I such a prick?

What if he hurts himself because of what I said?


*Louis’ P.O.V*

The boys’ flight just landed and I’m standing in the airport with Paul, anxiously waiting for them to get off the plane. I can’t wait to see Liam… I mean, it’ll be awkward but I miss him. I missed having him curled up against my chest. I missed kissing his soft, plump lips. I missed the feeling of his silky curls running through my fingers. I must’ve zoned out because Paul nudged my arm gently, signalling that the boys were coming towards us. A large smile crossed my face as I saw all four of them walking towards us but it soon faded as I saw them all scowling and ignoring each other. Maybe they were tired from the flight?

I couldn’t handle my self any longer and I ran towards Liam, literally colliding against his strong chest and into his arms. I had to blink back tears as his muscles flexed when he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, digging his face into my neck. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment, taking in his scent before he slowly pulled away to look in my eyes. I gazed back into his, feeling my knees go weak. We were pulled out of our trance as we heard someone clear their throat awkwardly. We all looked at Paul.

“I’m sorry to ruin the moment boys but the fans have found you and we need to leave quickly…” he spoke softly, a sheepish expression on his face. I chuckled and looked at Nialler. He glared at me then his expression softened as he grabbed me into a tight hug. My smile widened once again as I held him close.

“I love you bud…” he said, ruffling my hair before pulling away and smiling at me briefly. We were all ushered onto the van that drove us to our complex. I could feel the tension in the van as Liam was constantly glaring at Harry, who had his eyes red and puffy, while Zayn was just quieter than usual. I wonder what happened. I grabbed Liam’s hand gently in mine, smiling a bit at the tingling sensation that ran through my body at the contact. I began playing with his fingers gently. Suddenly, his hand grabbed my bandaged hand and he held it up  a bit, looking at me in confusion.

“It was an accident… I kind of… cut my plam while cleaning your apartment.” I bit my bottom lip as a guilty look crossed Liam’s face, then it contorted to confusion and finally into annoyance and anger.

“Who told you you could snoop around my things?!” he growled. Since when did he become so violent? “You had no right to-“ he tried to continue but I cut him off.

“It was for your own good Liam. End of discussion.” I said seriously whilst looking at him scrictly. He silenced himself, shrinking back into his seat and looked away from me. I sighed heavily and soon enough we were at our complex. Just as Liam was about to walk towards the stairs, I clutched his arm. “Where do you think you’re going?” I asked cheekily, trying to brighten his day.

“To my flat Louis. I’m in no mood to handle your bullshit.” He rolled his eyes, trying to take his arm out of my grip. Okay, so that stung a little. But he isn’t getting rid of me that easily. I’m going to show him how much I love him.

“Oh no you don’t!” I teased, keeping a small smile on my face. There had to be a reason why he was angry. He doesn’t hate me and I know it. “You sir, are going to be accompanying me on a date this afternoon.” I smiled, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

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Soph xx

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