Chapter 9

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Sorry this is late! I've been having a lot of problems lately and I wan't in much of a mood to write that much. 

Short chapter but I hope you guys enjoy it!



*Liam’s P.O.V.*

It’s not like I did anything with Lottie! I mean, she’s beautiful, but I’m in love with Louis. Even if I’m mad at him, I wouldn’t do that. We were just watching TV for crying out loud! Pls! Louis went out with Eleanor! I sighed heavily as I ran my hands over my face. I have to calm down. He’s only going out with her to cover our relationship. I should apologize to him… No! He should apologize to me. He called me an uptight twat! Damn Liam… you can’t stay mad at him. He’s right anyways. I just need to relax a little… stop being “Daddy Direction” for a while.  You know you can’t live without him Liam… go apologize!

I reached for the door when it swung open, nearly hitting me in the face.

“Babe! Oh my Gosh, I’m so sorry I---“ he began saying before I cut him off.

“Don’t worry Lou, I was going to apologize to you. I shouldn’t have---“ I began but he cut me off quickly.

“None of this is your fault Li! I shouldn’t have begged you to keep us a secret. Especially not from our parents. Knowing my mum, it was obvious she would try to get me into another relationship!” he grabbed my face gently and his determined blue eyes stared into mine. “I love you Liam… we’re going to tell my mum right now.” He said, smiling widely, making my heart go wild again in my chest. We had only been apart for a couple of hours but my heart and whole body was longing for him. I needed to feel his soft warm hands on me, sending shivers up my spine; I needed his lips on mine again, I needed him to tell me he loves me like I love him. And now we wouldn’t have to hide it these three days.

I nodded while smiling wide at him but I couldn’t help but feel that nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach as the nerves washed over my system almost automatically. I felt his warm hand slide into mine and our fingers laced together perfectly. It felt as if he was a puzzle piece and every part of his body was created to fit perfectly with mine. This simple touch made all my nerves fade away, only leaving me with a giddy feeling inside. We walked down the stairs and every step we took gave me a sense of freedom. I was finally going to tell someboyd other than the boys that I was madly in love with Louis and that I was attracted to men. There were only two more steps after this, one harder than the other but I could already taste the freedom it would give me. The only thing I had to do was tell my parents and then the world. No big deal right? Wrong. My father doesn’t aprove of homosexuals… he feels they’re a waste of space. Of course Lou doesn’t know this, he would never agree to this. But I honestly couldn’t care less about what my father thought about me or Louis, it’s my life and I shall do whatever I want with it.

We finally reached the kitchen where Jay was sitting at the island, reading a magazine while holding a mug of tea in her hand. Louis cleared his throat softly, making her look up at us. She smiled but it soon faded to confusion when she saw our hands. My smile faltered and my body tensed a bit. Lou squeezed my hand gently, realeased it and snaked his arm around my waist, pulling my body to his.

“Mum… Liam and I are together… he’s my boyfriend.” Lou said confidently. I’m not sure if I wanted to snog him for his courage or crawl in a hole and die at her reaction. My knees felt like jelly and my heart began pounding against my chest. Jay’s face was pale, as if she had just seen a ghost. She didn’t seem angry… but she certainly was not happy at all. Maybe I should say something.

“Jay… I love your son… and I promise to always cherish him and take care of him… We’ve been together for a week now…” I stated, trying to be brave and not let my knees buckle.

“How many times have you two had sexual relations together?” She asked bluntly, staring at me cautiously. My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up instantly forming a blush.

“Mum!! Why are you always so interested in my sex life?! It’s embarassing! And for your information… we haven’t gone that far yet.” Lou retorted while blushing a deep shade of red.

“Well that good… at least he’s not a sex addict like Harold… Welcome to the family Liam… but remember, if you hurt my baby, I will hunt you down.” She said, her tone completely serious and with a slight glare in her eyes. I smiled and nodded confidently.

“I would never even dream about hurting Lou… I love him too much for that…” I smiled down at him, gazing into his eyes as I snaked my arm around his waist too. He cuddled up to me with a smile plastered on his face, making Jay smile wide and engulf us in a tight hug. We both held onto her gently, all smiling wide.

“You know…” she began saying while she pulled away. “I always saw how you were looking at Boo… And I’m really sorry for judging you and not liking you much. I was being childish and Anne and I worried that you would try to interfere in Harry and Louis’ relationship… but you showed us how amazing you truly are. And I’m glad Lou found you” she spoke with tears in her eyes. I couldn’t help but smile widely and pull her into a gentle hug.

“Thank you Jay. I’m glad I found Lou… he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me…” I said and pulled away slowly to look at Lou in the eyes. His blue eyes were piercing mine, a smile tugging at his flawless lips.

“I’ve been waiting to do this for 24 hours.” He spoke, grabbing my face gently and pressing his lips to mine. I blushed really hard but kissed back nonetheless. I rested my hands on his hips, completely forgetting about the rest of the world and all of the problems.

“Aww! You two are so darn cute together!” she gushed out. I pulled away from Lou slowly and rested my forehead on his gently, gazing into his beautiful eyes. Both of our faces had a large smile plastered on.

“Take a picture mum, it’ll last longer.” Lou chuckled and pulled away to face his mum.

“Already done!” She smiled wide. “Don’t worry, I won’t put it on twitter until you guys come out. When exactly do you guys plan on coming out as a couple?”

Lou took my hand gently, “We don’t exactly know… soon though… I want the world to know that Liam James Payne is mine and I don’t plan on sharing him with anyone.” He beamed as my heart fluttered. “Well, we’re gonna go to sleep mummy… it’s been a tiring day.” He said, pecking his mum on the cheek gently and dragging me up the stairs with him.

We both stripped our clothes down to our boxers in order to go to sleep. I couldn’t help but admire his body. His hair was slightly messed up from when he pulled his shirt over his head, his eyes seemed to have turned tired suddenly. The cold air was nipping both of our bare chests and I couldn’t help but notice the goose bumps he had across his tan, smooth skin.  His chest was toned and his biceps were to die for. His bum was round and firm, almost ladylike. I couldn’t help but smirk at him as I pecked him on the lips softly.

“I love you…” I smiled and got into his bed, scooting over to let him in. He smiled wide, got in and cuddled up to me. I wrapped my arms around his slim body and pressed my lips to his forehead.

“I love you too Li…” he breathed out before letting his eyes flutter to a close.

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