Chapter 13

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Originally this chapter was completely different but I decided to change it and keep that idea stored for later on in the story. 

Love you all!


“Aw! You two are so adorable!” Jay smiled and snapped a picture of us on her phone. Louis smiled and signalled for her to show us the picture. She handed us the phone as large smiled creeped up on all three of our faces. We really did look adorable and so in love. The way Louis was kissing my face and my arms were wrapped around his body.

“We really do look nice together Tommo.” I smiled at Lou before pecking him on the lips softly. My eyes scanned over his flawless face. It’s amazing how a person could be so beautiful. I’d never get used to it. The flutter I got in my stomach, or the speeding of my heart. Not even the hitching in my breath every time I saw his face or heard his voice.

“Shall we put this on twitter love? It would be a shame to keep this amazing piece of art for ourselves…” he spoke softly. I thought about all the hate I would get. All the rude comments I’d get for liking boys. I don’t think I could take all of that alone… but I wasn’t alone. I had Louis. Louis… my amazing boyfriend… he would help me get through this. Although I knew all the hate I would get, I couldn’t help but think about the good things that would come out of this. I would finally be able to walk down the street hand in hand with my boyfriend and kiss him whenever and wherever I want.  I smiled up at him and looked at Jay.

“I think you should do the honours.”

She squealed, snatched the phone out of Louis’ hands and started typing away quickly with a large smile on her face. I chuckled as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I sat up straight, fishing the phone out of my pocket and resting my elbows on me knees. I opened up the Twitter app and read.

“@ JayTommo: @ Real_Liam_Payne @ Louis_Tomlinson. Lilo cuddled up on the couch looking adorable. #Liloforever #Liloshipper.”

I smiled while my mentions flooded in. I bit my bottom lip nervously as I opened up a  new tweet. I typed quickly. ‘Louis and I would like to clear some things up and confirm that we are, in fact, a couple. :)’

Louis’ chin was rested on my shoulder, reading my tweets. I rested my head on the side of his as his arms wrapped around my waist lovingly. I smiled wide. All of this is so surreal… finally having the man I love and his mum approving of us.  Jay smiled wide at us.

“You guys are the cutest couple in the world… now…” she sat down next to us. “Fill me in… who got the courage to ask who out?”

I smirked a bit. “I asked Lou to be my boyfriend. But it actually took me by surprise that he accepted…”

“You should have more faith in yourself babe. You’re irresistable and the best thing that’s happened in my life. I’d be stupid to loose you…” he spoke before pressing his lips to my neck softly. I blushed like crazy as Jay cooed, smiling wide.

“So… when did you both realize you were in love with each other?” she asked.

“Mum, you should seriously consider a job as an interviewer.” Louis chuckled, his chest rumbling against my back, making my heart race. “I fell for him when he took care of me after the whole Harry thing. But I’ve always been attracted to this adorable turtle lover.” He smiled wide.

I kissed his cheek softly, bit my bottom lip and looked at Jay. The blush never seemed to fade, it just gradually got worse.

“ I fell in love with him the moment he walked through the door and introduced himself. It took me a while to come to terms with myself and accept the fact that I fancied one of the lads. But now, it feels absolutely perfect.”  I smiled at Lou.

“Aw!! I just can’t get over how adorable you guys are!! Lilo shippers will be overjoyed! I know I am!” she smiled wide, got up and walked out of the room. I shifted my body so I was laying down with my head on his lap. One of his hands rested on my chest while the other played with my hair gently. My eyes closed as a pleased sigh escaped my lips.

“What is it exactly that you like about me Lou…?” I asked, my heart speeding up a bit with nerves.

“Well…” he began saying, an obvious smile in his voice. I opened my eyes to look into his. “To start, I love your eyes… they’re so brown and captivating. They’re addicting. I love how your wavy hair falls just above them, framing your perfect face.” The butterflies in my stomach were acting up again and another blush crept up on my face. “And that blush… it makes my heart flutter. Not to mention your adorable smile. You look so adorable, like a little kid when you’re having fun but then your serious side comes in and you look so sexy and I just want to have you right then and there.” He smirked and continued. “Then of course, there’s your amazing personality. You’re so caring. You always put people’s needs before your own and I admire that. You’ve never been a selfish person. You’re responsible and your Toy Story addiction is absolutely heartwarming. Your voice, when you’re singing… it gives me goose skin. And I also love when- “

I cut him off by sitting up slightly and crashing my lips on his. I’ve never thought any of those things about myself. I usually only pointed out the flaws in myself. He made me feel so loved… like I might actually be worth something. My hands made their way to the sides of his face, holding him to me. I needed every part of him. He’s the one… he has always been the one. I want Louis with me for the rest of my life...

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I should've been studying for my literature exam that's tomorrow but I really wanted to upload, even though it's short. Hope you enjoyed it! 

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