ya know..

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I said this book was over but I feel now as this is incomplete. I have been through so many more things since. I had a daughter of my own she is almost four. Life is full of ups and downs, a literal roller coaster which im sure many of you have heard before. But giving up is no longer an option for me and I guess its fair to say it never was. I've always been a fighter and I will continue to be one. I don't know if I have said this previously but I no longer harm myself and I haven't in a long time. Which I am proud of myself for. I will continue to be strong in this and I wont give in to temptation.

I have been through so many things already so far in my 21 years of life. Things I don't wish on my worst enemy. I was married for 3 and a half years and now im getting a divorce to everyone out their I do not recommend getting married at 17. It may work for some but for most I advise to not.

I have found out so much about myself such as that I have a bit of a problem with commitment and that I am afraid to be alone. What a wonderful combination right? but im working through all of my doubts and insecurities as best as I know how. im not going to get into everything as it is my story to only tell those closest to me but I guess I saw this old ranting book of mine and wanted to tell you all that I am alive and doing well and enjoying what life we all have on this earth. Enjoy every moment that you can big or small. Because everything has a purpose. That ex husband of mine was a lesson for me to learn and while part of me will always resent what he did to me, I now have my voice again and I will never lose it again.

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