So much

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So much has happened since I have written in this book of my life. I won't get into details
But someone I have miss just messaged me today.
We cleared everything out of the way and I no longer feel weird about this person.
I wish them happiness and I have become happier, now and for a while.
I'm older and wiser and I regret some of the things I wrote down in this book. I will never delete it because it's a part of me and I will never lie about who I am.
I'm still suicidal sometimes but I no longer harm myself. To those who do harm yourself please seek help from those around you.
I'm married and have a beautiful daughter and the world seems better. There are still tough moments and that will never change.
Thank you to the person who cleared up things with me I'm glad to be able to talk to you again. Take care this book is officially finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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