Chapter 9: Dinner For Two

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Lauren's POV:

March 01, 2015

Camila shifts slightly in her seat, shifting to the right so she is looking out the side window instead of observing me. She seems deep in her thoughts. I try to keep my eyes on the street but it's hard not to look at Camila, seems like the roles reversed. Her side profile is something else, strong jawline, plump pinkish lips and a pointy nose. Everything about her is simply art in my eyes and I can't thank God enough for creating such a masterpiece for someone like me. Her tanned skin and dark hair stand in strong contrast to the snow-covered environment. Her dark brownish curls slightly bouncing as she bops her head to the rhythm of the music. I bet she doesn't even know that she's doing it. Camila Cabello is something else.

My train of thoughts is interrupted when my ears take in the sound of a muffled sniff. A few second later follows a second one coming right from the smaller Cuban seated beside me. She shifts even closer to the window, covering her face with her palms while she turns her back towards me. She doesn't want me to see her cry. I pull up into her driveway and unbuckle myself immediately, the need to comfort her is creeping up my back. Seeing my mate in such distress hurts.

I don't know how to comfort her. Everyone is different, some people like to be held and listened to, others prefer to be alone and some people simply want to be distracted. I can't say what Camila needs but I'm desperate to find out soon so that I can be whatever she needs me to be. It's moments like those. When I am not quite sure what to do, how to interact with others that remind me of the fact that I've been on my own for a while. It left some obvious marks, but nothing I'm not confident about fixing someday.

I reach out to touch her shoulder hesitantly, stopping myself a few centimeters away just to repeat my hesitant back and forth movement until I finally rest my hand on her stiff shoulder. She relaxes after a few seconds of my warm touch but keeps her hands shielding her face from my desperate eyes. "I'm sorry if I said something wrong Camila. I didn't want to make you cry that was never my intention I-" I stop talking when she slowly lowers her hands. She shifts lightly in her seat facing the windshield, she keeps her face down but she reaches out to take my hand into hers. Pulling said hand into her lap she starts to fiddle with my fingers. I stay quiet and wait for her to say anything. Her hands are cold but nothing my warm skin can't take care of. Whitney's impressive voice fills our silence until Camila gently speaks up. Her voice just as shaken up as she was just a few minutes ago.

"You didn't do anything wrong Lauren. It's just.. it's different at home you know. We just moved here and my parents totally changed with the death of my sister. They work all the time to pay off our debts but I think there are also other reasons. Mom wants to distract herself, if she's not at work she cleans down the whole house, when she finishes she just starts over and Dad I think he just doesn't want to see me. I see the way he looks at me. I- I can see it in my father's eyes, he blames me for her death. My mother and he are always arguing, at least I hear it every few days when they are both at home at the same time, which happens rarely. I-" I can see silent tears making their way down her face, the small drops burying themselves in the fabric of her jeans.

I use her small break to softly reach out, and try from my position beside her, to wipe her tears with my thumb off of her tanned cheeks. She keeps on fiddling with my other hand in her lap and I whisper gently not to bring her too far away from her explanation. "Please don't be ashamed of your tears Camz."

It takes her a few seconds but when she finally meets my eyes I see the pure sadness and hurt captured in her bloodshot eyes. It's nothing compared to the look she gave me in the school's restroom. She tightens her hold slightly on my hand and I can see more tears well up in her dark orbs. I reach over with my left hand to unbuckle her seatbelt before I carefully slide it underneath her thighs. I pull the hand which is clutched in her fingers out of her grip before I slide my arm in between her back and leather seat to have a proper grip on her. I lift her over the central console and let her down in my lap.

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