Chapter 17: Rosa

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Camila's POV:

June 08, 2015

Lauren is tensed. Standing behind her lean, tall figure I can easily read her body language. How the black haired girl is ready to jump someone or in this case those two women if they mean any harm. Even though they didn't make the best possible first impression with their ripped clothes or the way they casually intruded our house I don't see them as any threat. They don't seem like regular burglars.

"Baby" I rest my left palm gently against her tensed back and rub her tight muscles in a circle motion to calm her down. "I bet they have a very good reason to enter our home the way they did." Shifting my eyes away from the beautiful wedding band on my left hand and looking up at the two women with a demanding glance, I continue. "Am I right?"

The blonde one opens her mouth to speak up but shuts it immediately when the dark skinned girl sends a warning glare her way. "My name is Normani and this is Dinah." She points her thumb at the tall blonde. "We really didn't intend to destroy your moment, congratulations by the way. A marriage is something beautiful." She sends us a beaming smile with her flashing white teeth before she continues in a soft tone. "but we are here because we need your help."

When I take a step forward, passing by Lauren she wraps a strong arm around my waist, making sure that I won't be able to step any closer toward them. She's not as strong as her wolf allowed her to be in the past but she's still very well trained. She just picked back up on her work out a while ago after her ribs finally started to feel better. "And how can we help you Normani?" This time Lauren was the one speaking up. It was easy to catch her suspicious undertone.

"We need to talk to Lauren Michelle Ahn." Frowning at their statement I look up at Lauren to see her thick eyebrows are pulled into a deep frown. She likes to claim that she can stay calm in every situation, her poker face her most prominent feature. She wishes, I know my wife, she's a hothead, stubborn and easily hurt in her pride, which involves in her being butthurt. I love her to death but if there is one thing she can't handle, than it's keeping her emotions and feelings under wrap. That's what I really love about my green eyed girl though, underneath this tough shell she's really emotional and passionate.

"Well then I guess you are at the wrong address. Thank you for intruding a very special moment, our house and wasting our time but I guess it's time to leave. Now." Lauren throws a long cold glare their way waiting for them to leave. Her green eyes could already be very intimidating when you're on her wrong side but now her pitch black ones, matching her hair color, are even more terrifying. I look up at Lauren and hit her stomach lightly in a scolding way for being so rude with them.

"Yo black eyes, maybe you should pull your head outta your ass and be a bit more polite like ya woman over there. Our mission is very serious and about saving lives so I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't be such a stucked up bitch." Normani gasped at her friend's words and pushed her by the shoulder back into the direction of the glass door, the one they entered the house through.

"What did you just call me?! In my own house?! In front of my wife?!" I feel Laurens grip on me tightening and her body temperature rises out of pure anger. Sometimes her short temper is cute. I'm talking about the situations when she's all jealous and overprotective of me or stuff like that but dear lord this woman has to learn how to keep her short temper under control in serious situations.

"Lauren!" I grab her by her arm while Normani holds Dinah back. Normani and I share a small look, apologizing for the behavior of these kids. "So she is Lauren. I mean that's what you just called her." Normani directs this question my way because she realized that I am more likely to help them out than Lauren.

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